Monday, December 5, 2016

Jillian Michaels

Listen to "Jillian Michaels Yeah Baby" on Spreaker. Not just a book for women who are already pregnant, YEAH BABY! is a must-read for anyone thinking about getting pregnant—now or in the future. Jillian encourages women to adopt lifestyle habits and make choices that will help them when they’re ready to conceive. She also advises going to your doctor before you begin trying in order to address any issues that may impact conception so that you don’t waste valuable time trying to conceive. Jillian and Heidi found out that Heidi had uterine polyps, preventing her ability to conceive without medical assistance. Jillian writes: “Had we been a typical heterosexual couple, we likely would have tried to get pregnant for two years before discovering something was wrong.” YEAH BABY! is also for women who have been pregnant. They are sure to find new and useful information to help them enjoy their best pregnancy and grow their healthiest child. YOUR DOCTOR MAY BE AWESOME AT DELIVERING BABIES BUT MAY NOT BE UP TO SPEED ON THE LATEST IMPORTANT LIFESTYLE INFO. In our culture, many doctors are not entirely savvy when it comes to the more holistic approach to pregnancy. They don’t know a lot about nutrition or exercise science, either. They’ll definitely tell you to cut caffeine and alcohol. They might say to eat a protein-rich diet and make sure to get plenty of fruits, veggies, and whole grains. But some of them won’t even go that far and will tell you that it doesn’t matter that much what you eat, as long as you aren’t smoking and doing tequila shots. Most will recommend prenatal vitamins and possibly omega3’s, but they won’t tell you which ones or what the differences are between brands and compositions. Jillian shares her own story of how their doctor recommended a prenatal with undecipherable ingredients, including red dye! She writes: “Our doctors are great at many things—but staying up to date on the latest nutritional or environmental science findings is not always a top priority. They are too busy handling the day-to-day emergencies—and delivering babies. It’s pretty amazing how much some doctors know, but it’s also amazing what they don’t know, which is one of the reasons why it’s so important to choose a good one to help you through the pregnancy process.”

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