Monday, March 22, 2021
Stream Thinking: Crossing The Line
March 22, 2021
Stream thinking. What’s on your mind right now? What are you doing with it? Does it provide for others or serve your purpose? The power of Now. An incredible place to plant your feet. Cuz living in the past carries too much weight and the future is nothing more than a Power Ball ticket. Lord have mercy you waste a lot of money! Did I cross the line? Your line! Where is it? Is there one? Anybody, anyone at any time can cross that line. A line that seems more like a midsummer mirage on a highway. You see it. You reach for it. Only to realize the line never truly existed. My mother would always sternly warn her five children, “Don’t ever cross my line!” A radio co-worker constantly told people “When you walk through that door. That line. Know radio people are different and we talk about things that others will find offensive.” In my heart I did all I could to disconnect from his way of life. It crossed my line. Truthfully there’s not a soul on this planet that hasn’t crossed some sort of line. Look at the way journalists, influencers, public figures and business leaders cross the line. It gives them permission to move ahead. Somewhere out there on that midsummer highway is another line. It’s called common sense. What? Huh? You don’t say! How forgiving are you when someone crosses your line? How often do you cross someone’s line? No pain no gain right? Is the line created by our need to put pride first? How dare we endure this? Do you know who you’re talking with? Is this Cancel Culture movement crossing your line? Since they’ve made it so easy to forget history, is it ok to cancel our personal moments of loss and less victory? Cool! I crossed my own line. When you erase time the entire story changes. With experience we can move a line. Through knowledge we can move it even further. Why does there have to be a line? Cutting down trees in my neighborhood used to infuriate my line. Learning to know about the entire story inspired my line. Therefore I’ve always pictured my line to have huge ears like Prince Charles. Did I cross the line?
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