Wednesday, March 31, 2021
Unplugged and Totally Uncut March 31st
Today March 31st on Unplugged and Totally Uncut!!!
Heavily inspired by Paul Newman's fund raising for non-profit organizations Noel Paul Stookey from Peter Paul And Mary has just released a new collection of songs that will raise funds for several organizations. Each song has a different non-profit. Just Causes is out now. 11am post
The season finale of Tyler Perry's Sistas is here and we're talking to the guys who help bring the drama, love and spirit. Devale Ellis and Trinity Whiteside. 1pm post
Ruta Lee is Hollywood. Wait til you read her book Consider Your Ass Kissed. She's always upbeat and very fun. 4pm post
Then we're Playing It Forward with Dr. Jennifer Ashton from Good Morning America. Because I'm a daily writer I can go back to any moment and relive the journey through Covid. Wait until you hear how she not only kept the same pages but the very notes from the huge amount of meetings she attended. Her new book is titled The New Normal: A Roadmap to Resilience in the Pandemic Era. 7pm post.
Challenged By Challenge
Listen to "Challenged By Challenge" on Spreaker.
March 31, 2021
For some extremely odd reason I’ve been challenged by the word challenge. While handwriting in the daily journal the word challenge didn’t look right. It bothered me deeply. I grabbed the dictionary. I looked up challenge! My writing instrument is disconnected from Spell Check. Words move through me at the speed of light. Until one of them doesn’t look right. How is this possible? Over the past 50 plus weeks the word challenge must have been handwritten 400,000 times. Yet today, challenge became my challenge. I did some research. It’s called Semantic Satiation. It’s psychological. When the mind temporarily loses its connection. Some people call it Wordnesia. Semantic Satiation can also affect our verbal abilities. Have you ever stopped yourself in midsentence and wondered why you chose those particular words? Learning to live with Semantic Satiation requires awareness. Don’t just let a misspelled word sit there. Do something to correct the situation. Has Spell Check made us lazy writers? I love its strength on the laptop. Feel like Indiana Jones while in a journal. The search is on! Did I spell challenge correctly? Here’s the reason why it’s so important. One day these daily writings will be viewed by other eyes. Dear Future Reader. I gave it my best. Thank you Mr. Dictionary. What truly scares me more than Semantic Satiation is how we’ve accepted bad spelling on social media. Especially on Media websites. Nobody can afford a human professional editor. We’re relying on the computer. So many daily posts from the rich and famous to Johnny and Wilma Regular Robinson throw down their thoughts without rereading. Oh! And the Automatic Correct on FaceBook, your texting device and anything else with a tech brain changes everything. Not just the spelling of the words but sometimes an entire thought. Challenged by the word challenge. One look at my writing from this morning and you might see why. How I write says I should’ve been a doctor.
Tuesday, March 30, 2021
Unplugged and Totally Uncut March 30th
Today March 30th on Unplugged and Totally Uncut!!!
Describing the music of Early Times And The High Rollers can be done in two words: Total experience. Once you start no other songs will be required. 11am post
Millions know Tommy Miles from The Steve Harvey Morning Show. Tommy's also playing around on Oprah's OWN. Ready To Love is a new age reality of relationship. 1pm post
Discovery+ knows how to lock in on the most creative shows. When you first hear about Pig Royalty its a WHAT? Moment. Who would binge watch a television series about pig competitions? You're gonna get hooked. 4pm post with the greatest pig champs of all time Michelle and McKenzie Balero. 4pm post
Then we're Playing It Forward with the most admired and loved men on the planet. And yes I had to bring up K-Tel records to find out the truth. Why were those collections of songs so dang important to the industry of music? 7pm post
The Lyrics From Billy's Forest Chapter 241
Listen to "The Lyrics From Billys Forest Chapter 241" on Spreaker.
March 30, 2021
There’s tremendous positive energy in a forest long before the sun elects to arrive. A frozen morning sky that’s barely lit by a sliver of the moon provides a bass beat for the constantly hooting owls. It’s as if they’re the tour guide. Taking note of your Now. Mindful of the presence of where you are. On this particular writing day it was December where the forest floor was brittle from the cold. Listening. Only to ask the you, “What if many more of us did this? To arrive before the rays of light. To listen. More than ever so many are bogged down by the effects of a normal life returning. The grip on our hearts strangles the dreams once held. Other people’s expectations are higher than the way it once was because fewer people are showing up with loyalty and dedication. Fight or flight? We can no longer say, “Everyday feels the same.” No! Have you ever been a school teacher? Have you ever walked the path of medicine? Have you ever stood at the register at a grocery store and let items slide by? Waiting for the sun to rise. Waiting. In the hours before it arrives the temperature is always the coldest. Is that how you feel about your present moment? The forest isn’t the only natural creation on a planet overtaken by a pandemic. You are a source as well. You are a gift. A seed. A seeker of light. The single blade of grass that reaches toward the sunlight. The future barer of fruit. The page in a story that creates a continuation. Listening. A frozen morning sky that’s barely lit by a sliver of the moon provides a bass beat for the constantly hooting owls. It’s as if they’re the tour guide. What if the sun didn’t rise today? How dark will your midnight become? Be the light. Believe so that others will too.
Monday, March 29, 2021
Unplugged and Totally Uncut March 29th
Today March 29th on Unplugged and Totally Uncut!!!
Heavy Metal Christian music? Images of Eden has carved out their own path in a way to Thrashers and Metal heads can appreciate. Steve and Gordon unmask the the identity of their true source of power. 11am post
It's Monday! That means another Pod Crashing. Introducing you to hot new podcasts. Actor Joe Pantoliano and his daughter Dani host No Kidding. Me Too. 1pm post
Mandi Thomas started singing at a young age and has been classically trained since she was 11. She continued her musical studies in college and began teaching vocal lessons after graduation. Mandi has dedicated herself to teaching and has put her own music career on the backburner due to struggles with self-confidence. Breaking that silent spot meant being part of Season 18 of NBC's The Voice. 4pm post
Then we're Playing It Forward with episode 222 I Got The Shot. I had the recorders working while stepping up to the needle. 7pm post
Stream Thinking: Cancer Canceled.
Listen to "Stream Thinking Cancer Culture" on Spreaker.
March 29, 2021
The life of a daily writer. If you could only see the words on the page. If you could sit through the moments required to move those words from the universe right into your eyes. A lifelong journey that shouldn’t scare you from trying. The day to day experiences are how you tap into collaboration of me myself and I with the disciplined agreement to not make it about us but rather you. The exchange is mind blowing. Like songwriters. I’m amazed at how something they happened to be inspired by becomes the hook that we constantly sing. An exercise I do every day is something I call Stream Thinking. Free Form Writing. Give yourself only ten minutes to write anything. To open your limitations without trapping it within the avenues of expectation. Challenge your creative self to show up and it will. It needs to be held accountable for its presence in your life. My Stream Thinking exercise yesterday put the creative mind face to face with this cancel culture society we’ve accepted. Except I call it cancer culture. It’s poisoned us and will continue to erase from our shaping why we took form. I didn’t start daily writing until July 1994. I was thirty two. That’s a lot of chapters and experiences that weren’t written about. Those risqué early teen years leading into a teen marriage. It was illegal for us to get married in Montana so we ran away to Wyoming. She ripped up the wedding license two hours after saying “I do.” If I only had a writing instrument then. But because I’m remembering it means I’ve probably rewritten my history. Cancel culture. Repositioned it in a way that allows myself to forgive the moment. Hey wait! The marriage wasn’t over! I was blessed with twelve years with this incredible person. Would I have written that sentence on February 26, 1981 at the age of 19? Cancel culture starts with us. In fact I heard a quote over the weekend, “The only person who can cancel culture is the one who started the situation that caused the cancel culture.” How many middle aged men and women are like me? At 19 my teenage girl friend and I faced a decision that could’ve led to a family. I had no voice. I could only experience. My only choice was to grow beyond in ways where the collaboration made better decisions. I wish I would’ve had a writing instrument when my face was buried in that pillow and the stepfather figure sat next to me asking what he could do. The only real time I felt like I had a Dad. Until this moment I’ve cancel cultured the situation because the history of it all has been too weighty. I don’t daily write to live in the past. I study the path. It removes the cancer culture.
Friday, March 26, 2021
Unplugged and Totally Uncut March 26th
Today March 26th on Unplugged and Totally Uncut...
You can love Rock or you can live Rock. Rock that's all about thumping those speakers and earbuds. The Jeffrey Carlson Band is on the front line of healing Rock's missing place in modern history. 11am post.
Ryan Jay is back with more reviews. Three new flicks are ready to stick to your memory like melted gum on a hot summer's day. Up first is "Nobody" which is in theaters only. Violent, bloody, fighting, fast cars and Ryan loved it. If staying away from theaters is your think Netflix has two new features this weekend. Wait. One. Cuz Ryan clearly states every reason why you should stay away from the musical "A Week Away." So that gives us "Bad Trip" Ryan Jay's review is fun as well as flawlessly unique in the way of blending prank videos into a storyline. 1pm post
Tyler Perry's Sistas on BET has become that show. That one show that pulls you straight into its soul because you can't help but see yourself in layout of the story. KJ Smith and Novi Brown talk about the grand season finale. 4pm post
Then we're Playing It Forward with Joy Bauer from NBC's Today Show. Tips for staying upbeat while pandemic stress is high from isolation and other issues we are struggling.
What isolation has done to our lifestyles and health, and tips to improve our routines. How to combat loneliness and unique ways to stay in contact with loved ones. How to get your day off to a great start whether you’re working from home or dealing with pandemic commuting. 7pm post
Nobody Else
Listen to "Nobody Else" on Spreaker.
March 26, 2021
Here’s the best way to instantly get pushed away from a circle of collected people, “Do you ever listen to what you’re saying while praying?” No seriously! Do you ever participate with the physical action of listening to what you’re putting out there? I write my daily prayer. I need to know what was moving through the moment. Therefore it becomes a tool for another day and time. We all do it differently. You might not even call it the P word. But through that P word a single sentence was placed in the heart. I challenge you to read it seven times before moving forward. There’s more to this single thought then a quick glance. I wrote or prayed, “No sentence can become a paragraph without the participation of single words.” What? In all things you do. In all that you’ve become. You are a single word aiming to generate just enough energy to create a sentence that will shape a paragraph. The physical act of creating a single sentence either generates the existence of connection or puts us as individuals in a place of question. Who? What? Where? When? Why? Without a plow to turn that soil, the only thing we hold is wonder. So often too many of us feel disgruntled by the dull of ache of being left behind. Mastering the art of building a sentence with single words formulates a process of forward motion. An active process. In this world of we want it now there needs to be a button that turns off your curious ambition. Victory requires laps around the track. As a 3rd degree black belt the process of travel put me mentally in places that weren’t being taught in class. The first black belt was because I feared due 100% to September 11th. The 2nd degree showed me a better path toward teaching therefore I needed to learn more about the spiritual flow of the universe. The 3rd degree has been the most inspirational because it’s opened my eyes and heart, the path, the walk, the way, to trusting the moment of Now. It has nothing to do with brick breaks, tournaments, forms or blocking. The deeper you participate your personal presentation the more meaningful the day becomes. No sentence can become a paragraph without the participation of single words. In all that you do in your present place of change and growth what tools are you using to succeed that were gifted to your journey years ago? Without those single words would you have the strength to be present today? Now erase your ego and read the question again. I realize in all things you are great but it didn’t just happen. No sentence can become a paragraph without the participation of single words.
Thursday, March 25, 2021
Unplugged and Totally Uncut March 25th
Today March 25th on Unplugged and Totally Uncut...
Shep Rose is best known for being part of the cast on Bravo's Southern Charm. You know his personality it's all out average expectations. Which happens to be the name of his debut book.
11am post
Did you know there's still one Blockbuster Video on the planet? It's in Bend Oregon. The documentary is currently on Netflix. We're talkin with Sandi the stores manager. 1pm post
Very few bands can have incredible greatest hits collections and the members of the band have their own greatest hits albums. Gerry Buckley of America is part of this rare circle. 4pm post
Then we're Playing It Forward with Shelby from MTV's 16 and Pregnant. Being a mom that early in life then teamed up with the Covid 19 pandemic and more. 7pm post
Finding Your Way
Listen to "Finding Your Way" on Spreaker.
March 25, 2021
Heavy subject. Probably because I’m spending time with Joy Bauer from NBC’s Today Show. The subject is pretty much what most people don’t want to talk about. Not unless they’re standing in front of a mirror or sending off secret text messages to an extremely close friend. Learning how to be mentally measured without feeling like you’ve lost hope in the self you are. You aren’t alone in this. Mentally aware of the ability while using its strength to keep doubt, fear and shame at bay. As a collected group of daily travelers, we might have an idea of where we once stood or how we dreamt but through the energy of experience there’s no physical way of getting back to the un-tame innocent self that felt comfortable in the purpose and plan of a world that never saw itself as normal. Not until it was no longer normal. Learning how to be mentally measured without feeling like you’ve lost hope in the self you are. I’m deeply inspired by the Mars Rover Perseverance. It’s slowly and steadily studying the red planet for the potential of there being evidence of a past life. Whereas on earth, we’re endlessly running in circles trying to regain our life. It only required three blinks of the human eye to get from March 2020 to March 2021. Which is sad. With the new variants there are 16 states seeing a rise in Covid sickness. I’ve started hearing people say, “It’s ok. 2022 is going to be a better year.” Really? Learning how to be mentally measured without feeling like you’ve lost hope in the self you are. You wanted to get back to normal and it looks like normal is picking up right where it left off. Atlanta. Boulder Colorado. North Korea shooting two missiles into the sky. All while Perseverance is slowly and steadily moving across Mars. Slowly. Steadily. If it required only three blinks of the human eye to get from 2020 to 2021, how many will it take to shrug off 2023 and 2024 and call 2025 the best year ever? Learning how to be mentally measured without feeling like you’ve lost hope in the self you are.
Tuesday, March 23, 2021
Unplugged and Totally Uncut March 23rd
Today March 23rd on Unplugged and Totally Uncut...
If you don't know the name Cleo Wade you will. Her messages of hope and change have inspired millions to look into newer areas of community growth. Her new book What The Road Said looks and feels like a children's book. Then you turn to the first page. Boom!
11am post
Rock guitarist Richie Kotzen is best known for his journey through music with Winery Dogs and Mr. Big. His latest collaboration is with Adrian Smith from Iron Maiden. 1pm post
It wasn't until Ben Allen turned 31 that he performed at an open mic on a whim and loved every second of it. He formed a duo and later his own five-piece band. It's one of the biggest bands in southwest Florida. It helped open the door for him to be part of season 19 of NBC's Voice. 4pm post
Then we're Playing It Forward with Dr. Steven Phillips and singer/songwriter Dana Parish. Together they've written and published the book Chronic. Dealing with chronic pain that you know exists but no doctor on the planet can fix it. This guy can. 7pm post.
The Lyrics From Billy's Forest Chapter 240
March 23, 2021
I’ve always been a morning person. Totally convinced that I wake up several times during the night because I’m anxious to get a new day started. Creative minds work at different times. Which can easily lead to disconnections. The “rumor” was Eddie Van Halen was extremely active in the studio at unheard of hours. Sammy Hagar couldn’t always make himself available. That’s a strange word “Available.” We use to the point of abusing it. Yeah I’m available. But are you? We tend to time stamp our ability to be available. When it’s not met a series of excuses are unleashed. You really weren’t available. You were able but it comes with boarders. On December 28, 2020 I was able to write during the Carolina winter sunset. Remember, I’m a morning person. To see a sunset doesn’t always mean I’m available. Our energy and the art of bringing it outward changes with each passing hour. I happen to be at Andrew Jackson State Park while the rest of the world was enduring the sharp rise in Covid-19 numbers. Grateful for any sunset during these days of constant uncertainty. To get there didn’t require me to be available but physically be able. I find it to be inspiring to watch people. The winds of change have rerouted so many paths. Scary is knowing how much it’s costing. Not everybody is available to work the jobs once held. They’re able though to walk through different essential doors. In my journal on that late December day becoming night I wrote, “Peace, solitude and mindfulness. Preparing the heart for all things unfair, unpredictable and unwritten.” I think it was a peace filled way of openly admitting how unavailable we were and still are to believing our present circumstances. Therefore through personal growth we are able to change. Just like the trees at Andrew Jackson, the water in the lake and the clouds in the sky that disappear much faster than they appear. Available versus able. Give your heart a break. Changing one word in our daily vocabulary relieves anxiety. You’re perfectly able even when you aren’t available.
Monday, March 22, 2021
Unplugged and Totally Uncut March 22nd
Today Monday March 22 on Unplugged and Totally Uncut...
Action Graphic novels are hot with every generation. James Buckley Jr has set his sights on teaching history in a fun enteraining way. Show Me History Muhammad Ali is now out. 11am post
It's Monday and that means Pod Crashing. Introducing you to those who are doing the digital platform dance. Something a little different this week. The CrimeDoor app puts you 100% inside the aftermath of the crime. From 2pac to Biggie. You pick the city and location then do your own investigation. Neil Mandt is changing history. 1pm post
Tayler is one of five kids and grew up in a musical family. Her dad is a pastor and music producer, and she spent a lot of time recording with him in their home studio. In college, Tayler began writing and performing her original music and later moved to Los Angeles to pursue music full time. It landed her a spot on NBC's The Voice. 4pm post
Then we're Playing It Forward with actor Joshua Bitton from the new Sci-fi thriller chiller The Tangle. Imagine a world were computers in your brain control your every move and decision. 7pm post
Stream Thinking: Crossing The Line
March 22, 2021
Stream thinking. What’s on your mind right now? What are you doing with it? Does it provide for others or serve your purpose? The power of Now. An incredible place to plant your feet. Cuz living in the past carries too much weight and the future is nothing more than a Power Ball ticket. Lord have mercy you waste a lot of money! Did I cross the line? Your line! Where is it? Is there one? Anybody, anyone at any time can cross that line. A line that seems more like a midsummer mirage on a highway. You see it. You reach for it. Only to realize the line never truly existed. My mother would always sternly warn her five children, “Don’t ever cross my line!” A radio co-worker constantly told people “When you walk through that door. That line. Know radio people are different and we talk about things that others will find offensive.” In my heart I did all I could to disconnect from his way of life. It crossed my line. Truthfully there’s not a soul on this planet that hasn’t crossed some sort of line. Look at the way journalists, influencers, public figures and business leaders cross the line. It gives them permission to move ahead. Somewhere out there on that midsummer highway is another line. It’s called common sense. What? Huh? You don’t say! How forgiving are you when someone crosses your line? How often do you cross someone’s line? No pain no gain right? Is the line created by our need to put pride first? How dare we endure this? Do you know who you’re talking with? Is this Cancel Culture movement crossing your line? Since they’ve made it so easy to forget history, is it ok to cancel our personal moments of loss and less victory? Cool! I crossed my own line. When you erase time the entire story changes. With experience we can move a line. Through knowledge we can move it even further. Why does there have to be a line? Cutting down trees in my neighborhood used to infuriate my line. Learning to know about the entire story inspired my line. Therefore I’ve always pictured my line to have huge ears like Prince Charles. Did I cross the line?
Friday, March 19, 2021
Unplugged and Totally Uncut March 19th
Today Friday March 19th on Unplugged and Totally Uncut...
When first listening to the album Nature's Light from Blackmore's Night you instantly think how fresh the songs are with a Renaissance style and presence. Candace Night's reaction was priceless because the songs are hundreds of years old. 11am post
The California music scene has always been an ambassador to bringing the world's most creative people to the shores of the Golden state. The new book Hollywood Eden from Joel Selvin reads like a novel but showcases truth. 1pm post
Cedrice grew up in a lively Filipino family and had a typical childhood until she was diagnosed with alopecia at 10. After losing chunks of hair, she endured severe bullying and fell into depression. She tried wearing wigs, but always felt she was hiding her real identity. She's turned those negative vibrations into an incredible music career. 4pm post
Then we're Playing It Forward with Kimiko Glenn and Luke Youngblood from Nickelodeon's new animation Baby Shark's Big Show. Yep that very Baby Shark. The one connected to the song now has his own show. 7pm post
Hollow Emptiness
Listen to "Hollow Emptiness" on Spreaker.
March 19, 2021
This one is gonna be heavy. If you physically take the time to know your presence and the areas that you consume you’ll be able to relate. Then again, because of the current circumstances of a world gone funky the place that which you stand is a blind spot in the rearview mirror. Today’s subject deals with hollow emptiness. Gulp. Oh it’s in your eyes. You can’t hide. Hollow emptiness. The existence that remains unspoken. I didn’t realize until Covid how much I depended on reading lips. With your mask on, I have only your eyes. Hollow emptiness. It’s your stage without knowing what others are receiving. The performance of whatever emotion you wish to be projecting without getting caught in a lie. There’s no need to offer a fake smile. We can’t see it. Hollow emptiness is having a personality without having to include what’s troubling you inside. The slightest sliver of anything in the shape of change and challenge easily turns your inner core into an avenue of question. And you don’t think we can see that in your eyes? Every one of us hold gathered collections of events beyond our control which leads the soul straight to hollow emptiness. You don’t need me to remind you that very few are locating areas or space to communicate. The airwaves are flooded with professionals claiming to bring you peace. What’s keeping you from talking about it? You know! The hollow emptiness! This isn’t a guilt trip or an avenue of shame. Awareness deserves conversation. Let today be your open door. Find your freedom from hollow emptiness.
Thursday, March 18, 2021
Unplugged and Totally Uncut March 18th
Today Thursday March 18th on Unplugged and Totally Uncut...
80's Metal on MTV led to a total planet takeover. Nothing covers the sights and sounds more than the new book Nothin But A Goodtime from Richard Beinstock. 11am post
The moment has finally occurred! Zack Snyder's Justice League on HBO Max. Harry Lennix is Martin Manhunter and we're talking. 1pm post
Samantha Howell credits Miley Cyrus for inspiring her love for music and encouraging her to find value in herself. At 13 and already independent, Samantha booked her own weekly gig at a local ice cream shop and began posting her music online. 4pm post
Then we're Playing It Forward with a true Super Band. Their history in music was mouth dropping. Then one day they agree to jam. Their new album has created a new genre of sound. The band is The Wholedamn Mess. 7pm post
Need For Your Tomorrow
Listen to "Needed In Your Tomorrow" on Spreaker.
March 18, 2021
I guess I truly wasn’t prepared. Totally Unaware. Embracing the impact of having to face the bigger experience. A year ago the majority of us were in lockdown with no roadmap to point the way. But what were you honestly going through not only physically but mentally? We’ve already rewritten the story. Yeah we were there! But your memory paints the moments a different way. The reason why I admit to not being prepared is because I not only went back to my daily writing but I listened to the podcast episodes where the writer was transparent about the rollercoaster ride. I was totally unaware of my truer thoughts and how I was dealing with them. So if I live this life of being present in the Now, why should any of this matter? Because we’re all students grasping onto the lessons that’ll make us greater than yesterday. By rewriting your history are you in essence changing your walk and way based on what you can handle? I needed that emotional reminder to sharpen my skills today. To physically not just see the story on paper but to hear it through spoken word. I knew in March of 2020 that there were spiritual challenges but I didn’t know how deep. Not until I got to experience the emotions a year later. I didn’t hear fear on those podcast episodes but there was a lot of wonder. Call out the truth. We aren’t out of danger in 2021. If it does get worse does rewritten history change the wave of reactions that’ll come with another lockdown? I only bring this up because decision makers in the elementary system took one look at the bad weather headed toward our city and put the students in remote learning mode. My wife is teaching in her studio in the other room just like she was doing a year ago. Trigger! If I hadn’t taken the time over the past week to go back to read and listen to the opening moments of Covid 19, I might be in a different frame of mind. I’ve entered into the day better prepared because we took the time to do it a year ago. The opposite side? I’ve heard from a lot of people who aren’t doing well today because having children at home, just like a year ago has created a trigger and they’re making a lot of angry noise. We need to be taking notes. These days of shutdown, lockdown and remote working and learning are part of our new normal. It’s time to get to know yourself so that when the command or call comes that you’re staying home again won’t be a trigger.
Tuesday, March 16, 2021
Unplugged and Totally Uncut March 16th
Today Tuesday March 16th on Unplugged and Totally Uncut...
They say author Hena Khan is the first to erase the lines that separate the differences. The creator of Amina's Song shares her journey as a writer while reaching those in both Muslim and Christian faith. 11am post
Along with his father John Walsh, Callahan continues to step through walls of doubt to bring us the stories of those who've disappeared. A new season of In Pursuit is out. 1pm post
Have you seen Promising Young Woman yet? It's impact will have you talking for weeks. Actor Chris Lowell breaks it down in ways that inspire you to watch it over again and again. 4pm post
Then we're Playing It Forward with Melissa L Williams and Matt Cedeno from Ruthless. This is a side of Tylor Perry's creative process that has a lot of people talking. 7pm post
The Lyrics From Billy's Forest Chapter 239
Listen to "The Lyrics From Billys Forest Chapter 239" on Spreaker.
March 16, 2021
Statues. Oh my! They’ve come under attack. Cancel Culture is the real deal. Before truly becoming a part of our every day I stood in my forest calling all of these trees statues. That’s what they look like without leaves! Each limb has its own personality. But do we know the history? Isn’t that the same question we ask when standing next to a large metal object connected to a time once lived? Do we know the story? Society endlessly feeds off its avenues of unperfected purpose. In this forest these trees represent life, growth and protection. I replenished this lay of land with 1,700 seedlings in 1997. This forest was facing its worst enemy. The human seeking magazine cover beauty. A natural forest provides the opposite. So often I find myself wondering about my final touch. What will happen to these statues after the last breath is taken? Who will fight for the seasons and the reasons they stand so tall and unforgettable? This is how cold life really is. A bite on the edge of what could tip us over. It is here that we must hear. To listen beyond sound. To reach further into the preservation of why we remain so connected. 1997 will always represent the 52 weeks of replenish. For today is the day that nature is present. The animals and life that call this collection of statues home. My trees today. Who will call them trees tomorrow?
Monday, March 15, 2021
Unplugged and Totally Uncut March 15th
Today Monday March 15th on Unplugged and Totally Uncut...
If you are a proud member of the Audible generation then you're probably very familiar with actor George Newbern's golden voice and skills as a voice over talent. He breaks it all down. Being on such a platform while protecting that voice. 11am post
It's Monday and that means Pod Crashing! Always excited to introduce you to new podcasts. Bridgett Todd has created one that puts all focus on the women that shaped the internet first with brilliant blogging and now with podcasting. Her show is There Are No Girls On The Internet. 1pm post
Megan Danielle maybe 18 years old but she knows the true road to music birth and success. I can't wait for this pandemic to get over so the entire nation can fall witness to her live performance. 4pm post
Then we're Playing It Forward with Jenna Elfman. There's no better person to celebrate the one year anniversary of this podcast with. In March of 2020 the entire planet took up television binge watching. Hulu has just added Dharma and Greg to this list of comedy sitcoms to experience again and again. 7pm post
Stream Thinking: Before With No After
Listen to "Stream Thinking Before With No After" on Spreaker.
March 15, 2021
How many of your personal thoughts are tossed? Here then gone. Sometimes you struggle to get them back but it ends up being wasted energy. I’m a stream thinker. Living a free form life. It doesn’t just happen. You have to practice it over and over. One problem. Being a daily writer is a very noisy expectation. No matter what’s put on a page it has the power and ability to reach you many years down the road. I learned this while hosting a podcast that broke down my book One Man’s 1,021 Thoughts. I went back 18 years to see if lessons in life were learned. Then it got extremely dark and too heavy to hold. The moments after 9-11. You lived the day but do you remember life after. Not assumption. Do you remember the emotional rollercoaster that followed? Through daily writing it’s there. I couldn’t handle what the writer was enduring so the journey forced me to break free of the moments. The same is true about the first anniversary of Covid 19. I did everything to keep my inquisitive self from going into the boxes filled with writing journals. I didn’t need to know what the person versus the writer had and continues to live through. The worst fear was being reminded of how far we haven’t grown over the past fifty two weeks. Why would we put ourselves through this mess again and again? The inner voice got too loud. I finally went back to the pages last seen in March of 2020. What I discovered was an emotional middle aged man that didn’t know how to handle losing every job he was associated with. He spoke of the danger, the huge corporations shutting down and how a Covid case had been reported six miles from his home. He questioned God about his or her location. He also wrote that he wasn’t in fear and how much he trusted the universe. The writer then was being heard now. There’s absolutely no need to give permission to your ears for your heart has already heard. Twenty four hours after strolling through the birth days of Covid I openly admit that it wasn’t a mentally safe decision. As people we want to get back to our past to help the self in pain and or question. The truth is. You can’t. Live forward while studying the art of experience. Being a writer is a very noisy job. Don’t let it drown out your favorite songs on the radio.
Friday, March 12, 2021
Unplugged and Totally Uncut March 12th
Today Friday March 12th on Unplugged and Totally Uncut...
True Crime is big on television, podcasting and in books. Harold Schechtor is one of the best investigative journalists. In Maniac he takes readers straight into the soul of the nations first and worst mass murders. 11am post
Three new movies have been set free and none of them are in movie theaters. Whoa... Ryan Jay reviews Tom Holland's new film Cherry now on Apple. It's a crime driven drama thriller that totally allows you to check in what Ryan calls an amazing story. Up next is Yes Day on Netflix. Jennifer Garner and company are very fun and loving in this family film that might seem cheesy but in the end you're gonna be in love with it. Ryan calls it his favorite film about parenting. And finally Scooby Doo is back! On Demand. This time around the long time favorite is set inside the fun and adventure of The Sword In The Stone. The animation is still original and so is the fashion. 1pm post
If you love your Rock in Metal form and you crave it being live then this documentary is for you. Jonathan McHugh gives us Long Live Rock. Nearly every Metal band is featured but its not about them. It's about the hardcore deeply dedicated fan and the stories they're running from or carrying with all because of those bands. 4pm post.
Then we're Playing It Forward with Rocker Duffy King from Allan Hewitt and One Nation. Their latest release is meant to do what it's about to bring forward. United or divided? We're talkin Rock and the roles they've had to play during their days with Covid. 7pm post
How Do We
Listen to "How Did We" on Spreaker.
March 12, 2021
How often do you wake up completely disconnected from the day? You stare at Google Calendar bewildered by the date. Didn’t we just start the New Year? It’s already spring! How? Maybe it’s just me but Friday’s no longer carry that vibrant fun atmosphere of accomplishment “We did it! Break out the weekend!” As for Monday’s? Because many of us work seven days a week. Damn Covid changed our working habits. Survival is never saying, “No.” How did we get to this day already? Are we walking a straight line or spinning inside an out of control circle? Ultimately it’s our decision to turn this day into a revision or allow it to have its own identity. Yep, a choice. Like trying to answer, “What would you like for lunch?” Days are nothing more than dots on a map. I’ve been a daily writer since July 1994. I have everything put on paper. Everything. Do you know what twenty seven years of writing looks like? Six air tight boxes. That’s it. But don’t ask me to pick them up. The boxes are extremely heavy. Days of the week. Dots on a map. And on your journey what have you learned? It only feels like we’ve been everywhere. And if you have. Congratulations! Have you turned it into a tool? The greatest thing about arriving into a new day is getting another opportunity to learn something new. Have you turned your personal walk into a set of tools? To be used by others beyond your next touch. Making your moments a well-studied path like that of Jane Goodall. My heart tells me that she probably never woke up to a new day wondering, “How did it become this day already?” I’ve got nothing to back that claim but I spent some time with Dr. Gabby Wild the other day. A global veterinarian. National Geographic has embraced her presence by sharing her experiences in books. To teach young minds. To inspire closed souls to reopen. We spoke of Jane Goodall. Deeply. Because Dr. Gabby got to take care of the chimpanzee’s that Jane Goodall studied. Daily. If you run a food truck, stock the shelves at a grocery store, build computers, study cancer drive a school bus or host acoustic live music concerts on a lake. What’s your story? Share it or someone will write it for you. They’re not gonna get it right. Because only you experienced it.
Thursday, March 11, 2021
Unplugged and Totally Uncut March 11th
Today March 11th on Unplugged and Totally Uncut...
There can be no Rock concert without the promotor. Danny Zelisko ranks up there as being one of the greatest and best. His new book is All Excess Occupation. 11am post
Playing now on Disney+ is Own The Room. A new age of competition with brilliant young minds competing for an opportunity to lead in the world of business. Director Cristina Costantini and contestant Daniel Blanco gives us a sneak peak into the competition. 1pm post
Singer songwriter Blues guitarist and so much more Mr. Alastair Greene has just released Bayou Mile. Instantly you'll see as well as well as feel why he's traveled the world over and over again. 4pm post.
Then we're Playing It Forward with LeUyen Pham. Her new book is a brilliant expression dedicated to the essential workers around the world. Outside Inside. It looks to be a childrens book but I guarantee the adult in you will grasp onto it. 7pm post
Blank Sheet Of Paper
Listen to "Blank Sheet Of Paper" on Spreaker.
March 11, 2021
You can tell we’re getting back to normal. While walking in from the forest I took note of my front yard. It’s not colorful, magazine cover groomed. I’ve not had the time. No lockdown time to make all that’s wrong a tad bit closer to being acceptable. Getting back to normal. Had dinner with my wife outside on the porch last night. Just like we did every afternoon and evening during the big shutdown. Always together. It just felt good to be in a moment without careers getting in the way. But it’s all changed. Getting back to normal. It’s one big giant blank page. We’ve never stopped asking about how long we’re supposed to be in front of it. Is it a question for self? Life being a page. How would we fill it? I know! Let’s turn it into a bill and run it through our state and national government. Our luck there’d be a filibuster. We’d still be sitting here staring at a blank page. Getting back to normal. It almost feels like a single drop of water in a coffee cup. Sure we could tip it upside down and rid the world of its presence. Or we could just let it sit there hoping it’ll soon dry. It probably won’t. Not with all of this southern humidity. The world is present. It never acts the same day twice. It might resemble the events already lived but ultimately through choice we make all things different. If we were to go back into a lockdown it wouldn’t be the same. Just as getting back to normal doesn’t feel like we assumed. Here it is! The blank page! A daily exercise that has a funny way of igniting the heart. Remember those Zoom moments with friends and family? Remember sitting outside and the highway sounds weren’t louder than nature? Remember when the only thing you had to do was to wash your hands and wear a mask? The page never felt empty. Yet as we gather in larger circles and move through invisible mountains the larger the blank page gets. I guess it’ll eventually become that look in your eye. You know the one. When someone comes up to you and asks if everything’s alright and you don’t know how to answer them. The blank page. For one year we got to feel what retirement is like. How will we live the rest of our life?
Wednesday, March 10, 2021
Unplugged and Totally Uncut March 10th
Today Wednesday March 10th on Unplugged and Totally Uncut.
Dr. Gabby knows animals. So much so that National Geographic has published her global experiences with the wild kingdom. I had to ask her, "Who is the most curious? Is it a racoon? A cat? Is it the human?" Wait til you hear how she answers. 11 am post
Kelsie Watts grew up in a family that loved singing. Her brother being a huge inspiration. At 21, Kelsie's world stopped when she tragically lost him. After the funeral, she tried her best to stay busy. Five years later, Kelsie quit performing to begin the healing process. A creative mind never turns off. Kelsie made it to "The Voice" 1pm post
How much has body art changed? All that we've experienced during the Covid pandemic, have you or will you document it by way of speaking through a tattoo? Charmaine Walker from Black Ink Crew Chicago and I talk tats. 4pm post
Then we're Playing It Forward with something that many of us are currently suffering with. Droopy eyes! Not sleepy. Your eye lids are sagging in a huge way. One of the pitfalls of remote working and talking a lot on Zoom. Dr. Raymond Douglas says you don't need surgery. 7pm post
Boys Will Be Boys
Listen to "Boys Being Boys" on Spreaker.
March 10, 2021
Well that was pretty weird. Posting on The Choice podcast. In the area where you’re supposed to jot down a thought or two about what the episode is about. I chose to say, “When you think you're alone is the moment you realize you still have yourself...” Drop the microphone. Walk off the stage. Yeah not gonna happen. When you think you're alone is the moment you realize you still have yourself... How is this going to relate with the subject selected? I mean, the goal today was to talk about meeting up with coworkers you’ve not seen in weeks, months and years. For some reason the only thing you think about is how tall they are. I hadn’t seen this guy in five years! I think I’ve shrunk. Is that what the Covid pandemic has done to us? We spend so much time on our remote computers that our bodies are melting away. We talked about radio. That’s what broadcasters do. We both agreed that it wouldn’t be the same. What we experienced in our several years together were gone because the way of the corporate world is still the greatest uncertainty. And this isn’t to serve as an invitation for those still in terrestrial radio, “Oh man you’ve got it wrong. In our station we still have. We do this.” I’m praying for you. Anyone still on the tower needs to be extremely grateful for what they have because the big change hasn’t caught up to them yet. When you think you're alone is the moment you realize you still have yourself... Not even two hours after seeing the coworker for the first time in five years I received a text from a broadcasting student, “Hey man can you write me a reference?” When you think you're alone is the moment you realize you still have yourself... Talk about being stuck in the center of two different storms! It’s never going to be the way it used to be versus I’ll do anything to get in the front door. Sadly this is the side of the industry that listeners never get to experience. The creative act of being torn. Selecting the right words becomes the layered journey. It wasn’t sitting well within my cause and effect. So, I took it to the people on the frontline. You! The real people with real laughs, real jobs, real families, real concerns, fears, doubts and victories. You! I started asking those moving through the areas how their businesses were handling the big change. All but one said, “It’s never going to be the same.” When you think you're alone is the moment you realize you still have yourself... We can’t stop being us. The job will do what jobs do. But we can’t stop being us. Even if it’s six feet apart wearing a mask. When I hear the stories of regular people coming to the grocery store just to be with people it gets deep into my heart. No business on this planet can survive without creativity. You can’t put your mind body and soul in a remote location and change the world. When you think you're alone is the moment you realize you still have yourself... No! We need each other. You aren’t shorter than what you used to be. Grow forward and outward.
Tuesday, March 9, 2021
Unplugged and Totally Uncut March 9th
Today Tuesday March 9th on Unplugged and Totally Uncut...
The book is called Unwinding Anxiety. In it Dr. Judson Brewer says that it's going to require something bigger than meditation to make our way through this mental moment cause by an out of control pandemic. 11am post
Delilah has made its premiere on Oprah's OWN. The series is about a single mom of two with huge connections to the world of attorneys and the court cases that develop. But wait! In what city does Delilah take place? Charlotte North Carolina!!!! Maahra Hill and Jill Marie Jones love our town! 1pm post
Alfonso Civile loves his Rock and his band has set free some huge riffs and beats. Trust me you're gonna love the group Heartsick. 4pm post
Then we're Playing It Forward with a huge dose of reality. Covid 19 has changed everything including the housing market. Especially the way we buy and what we want to buy. One of the nations biggest and best realtors talks about the layout Kerry Melcher. 7pm post
The Lyrics From Billy's Forest Chapter 238
Listen to "The Lyrics From Billys Forest Chapter 238" on Spreaker.
March 9, 2021
I’m a poet. One that just happens to write in a forest. On May 7, 2015 I found myself sitting inside the collection of trees at the Billy Graham Library. I did nothing but write. Only to learn what was being written carried with it a vibration I had never experienced before. That’s why I’ve always called the podcast The Lyrics from Billy’s Forest. Since that May day I’ve continued to write within any collection of trees while still keeping the origin of the seed very much alive inside of me. During the morning of December 19, 2020 I was using the writing instrument to paint the photograph of my own forest here in south Charlotte, NC. I spoke of the Morning Doves and the music they bring. Always peace filled and welcoming. I stopped to stare at the leafless trees. The morning sunrise in bloom and it was only 35 degrees. Frost on everything I touched. But there was no room to think about it for the songs from the doves erased my human tendencies to bundle up tighter and cover my ears. So where is this going right? The things in front of us are so often missed because we’re more interested and invested in getting through the moment. We’ve forgotten how to enjoy the sounds of crackling brown and yellow leaves beneath our feet. It’s been nearly a year since Covid 19 changed not one but everyone. So often I’ve tried to describe the experience as walking across a very dry desert with no water or shade. Yet on this day March 9, 2021 a new shape appears in my heart. The effect of the words put on a page in December 2020, associated with a forest experience on May 7, 2015. Look at all of those dates! The seasons that’ve come and gone. In taking notes I realized that we’ve not been strolling across a dry desert floor but rather trapped inside a winter’s forest. The trees are bare, the long tall grasses have lost their color yet the stream continues to flow. The birds are flying, the rabbits are nibbling and the deer carry with them a heavier coat for warmth. That’s what we see. But is it reality? The view shouldn’t be the winter’s forest but rather the new growth featuring leaves on the tree, the scent of wild roses and the sound of long distant lawn mowers and warmth of a spring breeze. Change your point of direction. Look outward to the new season rather than finding yourself inside an atmosphere of what once was. Look into the sunrise not around it. Experience certainty through those daily rays of light. The things in front of us are so often missed because we’re more interested and invested in getting through the moment.
Monday, March 8, 2021
Unplugged and Totally Uncut March 8th
Today Monday March 8th on Unplugged and Totally Uncut...
Duncan Jones, the son of David Bowie has just released the action graphic novel Madi Once Upon A Time In The Future. It's far from being a solo performance. To make a book work requires an experienced team to create the connection with readers. 11am post
It's Monday which means it's time for Pod Crashing! The goal is to introduce you to amazing podcasts that move people forward. This week we're spending time with Erika Alexander from Reparations: The Big Payback. 1pm post
Canadian singer songwriter Armando took note of where we are and realized something was missing. Who Stole Your Smile? The song has wrapped its arms around the world. The video totally takes over your heart. 4pm post.
Then we're Playing It Forward with John Oates from Hall and Oates. Not just a planner but an activator. The Oates Songfest 7908 on March 20th on is by far the largest streaming concert to date. All in the name of 7pm post
Stream Thinking: You Are
Listen to "Stream Thinking You Are" on Spreaker.
March 8, 2021
I speak of Stream Thinking a lot. Free Form writing. I work the discipline. In all things I do I depend on Stream Thinking. Like a martial arts or dance class the physical act of Free Form must be practiced by way of accountability. The discipline. One page. Ten minutes to write anything. No judgement. No editing. Write until the page is full. Put it away. Come back to it several days later. To experience the moment where you allowed all things to move through you without doubt, guilt or shame. It helps you when speaking to groups. It keeps you in front of rather than depending on old thinking habits. The power of Now. It was through this exercise that my heart put these words on the page: I am because my managers are. I’m not to assist. Unless one day I’m able to lead. During this new age of phasing experiences, the workplace is taking on an image of growth by way of utilizing the ability of the employee’s journey. Taking chances on hiring a total outsider whose career has nothing to do with your business and yet through experienced paths the lessons taught on a completely different playing field influence the layout of the new consumer. Phasing careers. We cannot be if the leaders are not. Success begins as a personal decision to commit. Perseverance and loyalty found at a different business can be the leader and strength. If it’s not being received as such then no talent shall grow greater. The spirit of self must be motivated for the team to win. I am because my managers are. I’m not there to assist unless one day I’m able to lead. The world of business is oversaturated with followers, pole leaners and complainers. For the planet to work, we must aim at uniting business experiences. Invite the total outsider in. Lead together. Not as a boss and the employee.
Friday, March 5, 2021
Unplugged and Totally Uncut March 5th
Today Friday March 5th on Unplugged and Totally Uncut!!!
Lindsay Gardner is a food expert. I mean the Yoda of the Foodie world. Not only does her new book cover incredible recipes but it features the stories and yummy things from 112 women. Why We Cook. 11am post
Ryan Jay is set to review three more movies making it to the big screen and those that flat and stapled to your wall. Up first is Coming 2 America with Eddie Murphy and Arsenio Hall. Ryan says, "It's good to see them together but its the same old jokes for a new generation." It's now on Amazon Prime. Disney is back! Raya And The Last Dragon is a fun original story that truly feels like a legend. Well worth the family time invested. And then there's Chaos Walking. Drum roll please! Ryan Jay's review is spot on for Sci-fi. A very original movie that's based on a book series. By the way if you're into the Critic's Choice Awards we dive into the moments before the trophy's are handed out.
1pm post
Marisa was raised in a lively Italian family and was inspired to get into music by her trumpet-playing dad. Her journey began as a classical pianist and she played her first professional gig with an orchestra at Julliard when she was in the first grade. She performed at Carnegie Hall at 9. 4pm post
Then we're Playing It Forward with journalist Omid Scobie. The closest you'll ever get to the Royal Family. Harry and Meghan are with Oprah this Sunday night on CBS. Omid's given us the dirt. 7pm post.
Science Gets The Credit
Listen to "Science Gets The Credit" on Spreaker.
March 5, 2021
Ok! Here we go! I don’t mean to do this. It’s gonna start a conversation I can’t win and I don’t have the energy to be challenged. So why even bring it up right? I guaranteed a year ago that as a daily writer it would be my mission of transparency. There I was in prayer this morning. In the middle of my jabbering came a flow of thought, “I’ve yet to hear the preacher give credit to God for helping to quell Covid 19. Science is getting the total nod. It’s physical! We can see the efforts being made. A U.S. President that claims to be visible with his religious beliefs and even he hasn’t made mention of the presence of a higher energy blessing the planet with relief.” Three vaccines with the media reporting how the numbers are going down. And to hear that every adult in America will be protected by June 2021? Not one mention of the G Dude. Shrugging my shoulders I whisper, “Ok. Let’s move on.” Man with his and her science has fixed us! Good job! Now pull the camera back. Look at the entire layout. How’s that stock market doing now that the money masters see us taking a joy ride with inflation? Look at unemployment and the enormous amount of people who still can’t pay rent, purchase great food or pay the electric bill. Oh! How about those lawmakers that can’t seem to set aside their political parties to approve a stimulus package? You know why! Science hasn’t figured out how to fix the financial mess! As for the vaccine? Something, someone, it… planted a seed inside the thinking pattern of a very brilliant mind. That single thought became a chance taken. The energy provided opportunity. From out of nowhere a discovery became reality. But who was that something, someone, it? Who gets the credit? If you ask my friend of 15 years she has no problem saying, “Nobody gets credit. Because none of this exists.” Oh… Hmmm. Everyone move on. There are no Androids here. (Star Wars reference)
Thursday, March 4, 2021
Unplugged and Totally Uncut March 4th
Today Thursday March 4th on Unplugged and Totally Uncut...
Neil DeGrasse Tyson uses a self searched story about Pinocchio to best describe his new book Cosmic Queries. Asking the questions that truly don't have answers. 11am post
Because of Covid things changed dramatically on the set of Floribama Shore. Instead of hosting the realty show along the southern Gulf coast, Codi Butts, Candace Rice and others packed up their bags and brought the show to life in Missoula, Montana.
1pm post
Ryan Berg's father was a drummer and introduced him to music when he was very young. Through singing in church and performing in theater and choir in school, Ryan felt music was his calling. For the past five years, Ryan's been a full-time musician performing solo shows as well as with his band, recently being seen on NBC's The Voice. 4pm post
Then we're Playing It Forward with Izzy Spring. An LA native, born and raised in a musically eclectic family. She found herself inspired by rock anthems, pop ballads, and orchestral works. She threw herself into lyricism and songwriting, hoping to convey a deeper truth and a shared experience in the form of songs she would likely deem as “spicy”.
Blame It On The Moon
Listen to "Blame It On The Moon" on Spreaker.
March 4, 2021
I say the craziest things while in prayer. WAIT! Don’t tune out. It’s just a transparent thought and or expression. So often the entire process of daily writing is put into play because of something said in that moment of collaboration. Today it was, “Mentally we must maintain gain.” It didn’t say “Break free of the circle of light.” It was gain. Gain? Especially when so much has already been given. Let’s break this down. Gaining is usually associated with physical not mental. Mentally we must maintain gain. Mental versus physical. It’s two completely different paths of open ended choice. Decisions to build must begin in thought. A mental opportunity. To let it sit empty doesn’t feed the need, therefore the physical presence must be ready to take shape once the gain has been met with the courage and confidence to proceed. Mentally we must see ourselves excelling. Envisioning the potential without exhausting the plan. How many projects do you rush into only to see them barely through? The mental guilt trips create blockage. We stop trying. Settling, rather than gaining access to newer ideas and accomplishments. Mentally we must maintain gain. Mentally as well as physical begin a daily discipline where you see who you are reaching. Which is an extremely difficult task because the majority of all people show up to do a job. Mentally make it a purpose. It’s not just a job. What you do affects people you’ll never meet. But if you maintain gain in the process of production you’ll soon see how your job is a connection to an outside source that wouldn’t proceed if you chose to stop. Who is receiving your energy? A blank sheet of paper is never empty unless you allow it. I can’t imagine how many incredible days of success begin while placing an order at Starbucks. Mentally we must maintain gain.
Wednesday, March 3, 2021
Unplugged and Totally Uncut March 3rd
Today Wednesday March 3rd on Unplugged and Totally Uncut...
Science isn't just cool but it completely gross! Scientist Erika Engelhaupt has just released Gory Details: Adventures From The Dark Side Of Science. 11am post
VH1's Basketball Wives is back! What was it like being married to Lamar Odom? How has life evolved today especially during these remote learning school days? Liza Morales posts at 1pm
Did you know Erica on ABC's The Goldberg's isn't based on a sisters life? The real family had three boys. Hayley Orrantia is actually playing the part of Eric. It was the real family that twisted things around and brought in a sister. Hayley posts at 4pm
Then we're Playing It Forward with legendary actor George Chakiris from Westside Story. What was it like to dance in a movie with Marilyn Monroe? He created with Gene Kelly! 7pm post
Rough But Positive
Listen to "Rough But Positive" on Spreaker.
March 3, 2021
I can’t do the pills. Pain is what pain does. Therefore the choice is to live with it. Which is why you’re never going to be invited over for the weekend or to go camping. The very moment you let the guard down the demons invade the soul. They blast apart all things that were once protecting the presence of who you are. Without pills it paints the picture of a wanderer and not a finely tuned instrument set to play the music of a troubadour. Drop the microphone and leave the stage. Not gonna happen. Not just me, everybody has an inner core source of music of music and energy. It’s never silent. It’s vibrant with hardly ever a true path of release. The majority of the time the only sound we’re able to make is a grunt or moan. I always envision an old frog sitting on a pad croaking his way to the nearest fly to feast upon. Creative people tend to overdo their pain. Drama queens. What hurts a little is a mind blowing oh my God it won’t stop so the world must be ending pain. Been there? Is there truly pain or a massive amount of inner voices that have convinced us of there being something? Oh I know! Let’s label it pain! I won’t take the pills. Opioid addiction is a serious issue in the States. Therefore I rely on meditation and prayer. To a nonbeliever that truly spells out a total waste of time you’ll never get back. Writing about body aches doesn’t make it go away. Talking about it the same. Personally identifying it creates awareness. The majority of the time we know the cause but we do nothing to make the change. Why then do we find complaining about it to be an important outlet? Cuz we can. My dad was busted up in WWII and later in life during his extremely difficult steel job. He never complained of the pain. He might have mentioned it but he never made it an issue. Late night pains invade how I dream. According to my wife the man sleeping next to her is stuck in a movie seat watching a very scary speak out loud movie. Meditation while listening to frequency music puts the mental state of mind in a place of peace. Know where you are going. I know that once I give myself permission to step within the protective gates of Nidra while listening to frequency music there’s going to be less pain and more inspiration. Take your head out of the game. Yes, it would be nicer to just pop a pill. How many friends and family members have to die to convince you to walk a different choice? A friend close to me said, “You only live once. Take the meds and if you get hooked just tell yourself it’s gonna be ok.” Hmmm I didn’t laugh. I did everything I could to break free of the conversation. Pain is more than an interruption. It’s a source of information that tells your brain that something wasn’t done right and if you continue breaking the rules it’s gonna further itself into a worst case scenario. The accidental overdose claims too many stories that could’ve been lived happily ever after.
Tuesday, March 2, 2021
The Lyrics From Billy's Forest Chapter 237
Listen to "The Lyrics From Billys Forest Chapter 237" on Spreaker.
March 2, 2021
How dark are the times? Is it as tough as the headlines are saying? An avenue of constant change. The breaking down of a generation of digital achievers only to start hearing of the tale of how no success is possible without facing the fear, the failure, frustration and friction. Innovation comes from facing the storm not running from it. Such thinking puts me inside my forest in south Charlotte, NC. A collection of trees that’ve been with me going on twenty nine years. The connection and resurrection from so many challenges caused by change. The depth of the spirit teaches the inner core of the mind body and soul to find reason to build. Recognize it. Find the space to race with. To learn by way of the experiencing. And in studying the behavior of the moment, the new goals should be the innovation that we speak of. More than ever it must be invited into your life by way of peace. Be present. Be aware. Be ready. Be yourself without thinking of yourself being beyond. We can still dream but let them be achievable. Today is only one day. It’s going to require time and forgiveness to grow forward and outward. This paragraph of thought is an oxymoron. We started by questioning how dark the times are. Only to locate light in the end. Every nation on this planet has be affected and infected by the pandemic. The numbers appear to be improving but if you listen closer to the story nothings been given a guarantee. Therefore internally uncertainty continues to beat hard on our hearts. Just because the schools have reopened, the bars are serving til eleven and sporting events will see more fans in the stands doesn’t mean the shield can be dropped. A lot can be learned with these words. The depth of the spirit teaches the inner core of the mind body and soul to find reason to build. Recognize it. Find the space to race with. To learn by way of the experiencing. And in studying the behavior of the moment, the new goals should be the innovation that we speak of. From darkness to light. Having the courage to pull the lens back. To review the past fifty to 100 years. To study the exchange of challenges. To know in your heart that every generation has met personally with uncertainty. To learn from its behavior requires only one thing from us. Be present. Be aware. Be ready. Be yourself without thinking of yourself being beyond. We can still dream but let them be achievable. Today is only one day. It’s going to require time and forgiveness to grow forward and outward.
Monday, March 1, 2021
Unplugged and Totally Uncut March 1st
Today Monday March 1st on Unplugged and Totally Uncut...
TV One has opened the flood gates for a new age dramedy that pours a generous portion of friends and love into need to binge watch some serious programming. Redaric Williams and Deborah Joy Winans star in Don't Waste Your Pretty. You may know about the book now you can experience the deeper impression. 1am post.
If you're craving a great energy bursting film with incredible laughter, action and relationship, Louise Linton has put her wide open personality and inner creative view of movie making in stream mode. Me You Madness. 1pm post
It's Monday which means another episode of Pod Crashing. The weekly goal is to introduce you to the amazing talent that are sinking a lot of time, energy and creativity into podcasting. This time around we're hanging out with Carlos Watson!!! 4pm post
Then we're Playing It Forward with Dylan Lane who's made his way back to the Game Show Network on Chain Reaction. 7pm post
Stream Thinking: Almost
Listen to "Stream Thinking Almost" on Spreaker.
March 1, 2021
In June of 1980 there weren’t smart phones to document the moments we’d carry through every decade invited to participate with. Sure, there were tape recorders and heavy as hell movie cameras but nothing in the way of what we have today. I wish there could’ve been a way to fully document what the commencement speaker said during graduation. The only thing I hold is a memory. He warned us, empowered us, found reason to believe with us.”100 people are born on the same day you are. 50 of them will graduate. Only two of you will make it to 50 years in age.” Well crap! There I was. My 17 year old self sitting in that seat at the Metra in Billings, Montana trying to digest turning 20 not 50. And only two of us were going to make it to 50? Documented several times in my daily writing is the lifelong search for who was and wasn’t present before and after 50. This has consumed me for nearly forty two years. To meet someone born on the same day, same year as you after 50. The closest I’ve ever come is Tom Cruise! I was born on June 28, 1962. He made his way onto the planet on July 3. 1962. Sure I could Google it but that’s cheating. It has to be a 100% completely natural gathering without making any move or decision to make the moment happen. And for good reason. A wave of tremendous energy shot through me this past Friday night. A couple stood with me on the frontline. I politely asked, “How many years have you celebrated your marriage and love?” She, like most cases was the stronger of the two very confidently replied, “Almost 59 years.” I was instantly taken back. I mean wow! My parents made it to 49 before God brought my father home. To hear nearly 59 was a jaw dropper. I couldn’t stop the conversation there, “What day were you united as one?” She chimed in again, “June 29, 1962…” Her words are the very reason why I can’t Google the potential of there being another born on the same day and same year as me. I literally had to pick myself up off the floor when she said, “June 29, 1962.” I didn’t hesitate to whip out my driver’s license to show them my birthdate. We stood there on the frontline staring into each other’s eyes. The most authentic chuckles and reasons to hold onto them for many more chapters to come. What were the chances? I realize it wasn’t another person born on the same day and date as I had been searching for but the existence of there being an event that close to the moment I was born. They were married in Gaffney, SC. I was born in Sheridan, WY. Nearly 59 years later our paths came together. I looked at both of them with utter joy in my soul and became very determined with my next question, “Why didn’t I get an invitation to your wedding?”