Thursday, February 4, 2021
The Box
Listen to "The Box" on Spreaker.
February 4, 2021
Do dreams last all night? Not according to the experts. Most late night early morning mental movies clock in at 20 to 30 minutes. Why then does it feel like all night? The only thing we remember is what’s experienced during REM. My dream of an open box may have started during REM at 11pm and then again during REM before waking at 4:30am. Therefore the imagination is convinced the dream did last all night. The real subject at hand isn’t the distance a dream travels but rather the symbol of an open box. Those that study dreams see nothing negative in the openness provided. Therefore what purpose does it serve in the outside world? My first attempt to locate an answer was to turn the box into my daily writing journal. Its square and I store things inside. A box! But I’ve never treated it as such. The journal has always been an open window filled with words and expressions that influenced my systems of choice. The reason why so many hardworking dedicated creative and noncreative minds get clogged up with angst, depression, fear and doubt is because we won’t let go of what’s been assumed. You’re not treating your moment like an open box. We store things for later digestion or understanding. Time wasted. Self guilt sets in. You feel as if you can’t find the time to keep knowing you. How can we take what we dream and not let it evolve into a monster in our reality? So often it feels like a Ghostbusters portal giving permission to every beast to step through and take over your moods. Can they collaborate with your existence of a better understanding? First and foremost we have to understand why the majority of us are having extreme vivid dreams. The pandemic is ripping your place of rest to shreds. Your inner eye wants to identify what has changed your life and it slow dances with uncertainty in the way of trying to inspire the music to get back to something you recognize. It’s not happening as fast as your truer self wants. Stop trying to write the story. Living in the presence of Now means getting control of what’s in your Now. Here’s a good example. I’m presently enjoying a beautiful Carolina sunrise. The sky is bright pink with a Tar Heel blue backdrop. It’s also 25 degrees. My Now isn’t your Now. By the time you read this the atmosphere has changed. What time of day is in your Now? How far into the sky is the sun? Did you just wake up from a bad dream and somehow some way you found this page? Yes the future is right there in front of us. No you can’t write the story. By the time your future arrives it won’t match what you wrote. Now we’re facing disappointment. Be present. An open box. Now dream…
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