Friday, February 12, 2021
Make Some Noise
Listen to "Make Some Noise" on Spreaker.
February 12, 2021
Moody… And for what reason? How often do you face that image in the mirror? Here in the Carolina’s it’s been an extremely wet rainy winter with even more on the way. Does it truly play on the emotional game? Research says, “Yes.” The barometric pressure alters our moods. It goes as far as triggering headaches. Now toss in the continuation of uncertainty caused by a global pandemic, a political crash in the states, a looming financial crisis and so on. Moody? We should all admit that we know the reason. What we need is a physical act of positive. My recording studio offers an escape. Not just having the opportunity to create but the lighting in this room is brighter than the sun during a midsummer day. Light gives me a positive. Sure we can knock on the door leading to our heart and demand better service. But why? It’s taken a beating over the past fifty two weeks. Yet at the same time we can’t let it rest either. We need our hearts! Without it our bodies are a boat without a rudder. We’ll land wherever the wind will take us. Which sounds like my 20’s and 30’s. No thanks. Not going back. The good news is simple. Now that we’re aware of being moody. Change it. We were given six senses at birth. Let them collaborate. Be happy by living it. Here’s how I shook myself free of the moody murky musty blucky feeling. I sat in this studio making sounds. Any sounds. Not words. Sounds. Funny, weird, awkward, insane childish, caveman like and just plain stupid sounds. What I noticed was how the entire body moved with each sound connected. Everything was moving at once. This could be an entirely new exercise program. We all get in a room and do nothing but make sounds. The body in motion inspired and influenced my outlook. Let the sounds go. Don’t whisper them. Don’t over shout them. Make some noise.
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