Thursday, February 18, 2021
Down A Year
Listen to "Down A Year" on Spreaker.
February 18, 2021
Numbers. We just can’t make it through a day without somehow getting tangled up in numbers. The government with a trillion dollar aid package versus the number of vaccines being delivered during a pandemic. And it’s because of that monster we’re introduced to even newer numbers. Last week scientists revealed that each of us are three years older due to the stress we’ve been enduring over the past fifty two weeks. Now the latest numbers are showing the average life expectancy in the United States has dropped to 77.8. This is the third time since this study was put into play in 1980 that it’s gone down. We’ve been living longer. Not presently. Life has slipped on the banana peel and we’re headed a different way. I’ll tell you what I was shocked to read. One of the other times our life expectancy changed was just a few years back during the huge increase in opioid use. Numbers! I still remember being a basket case during the introduction of Y2K. Remember how most of us didn’t fall asleep on New Year’s Eve because the computers might not sync up to the new century? Here’s the thing. We’ve got to stop investing our energy in content we can’t control. Stop wasting what little time we have left trying to out science the experts. Find your path of release without having to unleash your inner beast. I started daily writing at the age of thirty two. For twenty seven years I’ve not walked this path blind. Through the power of stream writing and free form thinking the awareness button is locked in on being present in the Now. Not on 77.8. I’m closer to it then my childhood memories. Once I read about the new expectancy I wandered through Google seeking out the life expectancy of writers and readers. No numbers were available but it did mention that those who do write and read a lot physically keep their brains activated and the only thing that truly starts to fade is our vision. I chuckled when I read that. I wear contacts. No matter how much stuff you dump into your eyes at 4:30am there’s still a lot of fog to mess with while writing. I shoot for the page hoping everything lands in place. I don’t want to know the number of times I’ve missed. It’s just another number. In her book The Vein of Gold Julia Cameron teaches her readers about the importance of deprivation. Learning how to break free of the things you don’t and won’t have control over. Not that you’re a power freak but rather just an everyday human being. Gaining access to your awareness isn’t a numbers race. It’s being mindful of who you are in the moment and how easy it can be to rely on the trust you have with the hidden self to keep you from busting a brain vessel trying to understand which number best fits your anxiety level. As boring as it may sound. I invite you to go to YouTube and search for frequency music. It’s not about numbers but rather the avenue of release. A vibration of peace. Just doing what we can to push your expectancy beyond 77.8.
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