Tuesday, December 15, 2020
Stream Thinking Vocal Tones
Listen to "Stream Thinking Vocal Tones" on Spreaker.
December 15, 2020
I’m a stream thinker. Free form writer. It’s my discipline. To be present without the edit. To see the world the way it is then put it on paper. In doing so my inner eye has taken note of how our vocal tones have changed over the past ten months. The way we gather is a shape of raised vocals tones. We meet with peace filling our hearts. Nobody wants to be left out and as humans it’s a necessity to have community. There’s always a reaction to the action. We’re living it. The Great Surge of 2020. The news anchor yesterday calmly said with authority in his presentation, “Every minute. Sixty ticks on the clock. One America dies because of Covid 19.” Our vocal tones! We had to prove them wrong! We elevated our presence by standing family strong. Knowing the playing field would change but the numbers say… Vocally, with our God given opportunity we share several thoughts. But nothing moves the masses more than when we put body language in between the words with speak. We’ve raised our vocal tones. There’s a reaction to every action and in this moment how we are using our bodies to communicate is sending out messages that aren’t being received the way they were meant to be. I wasn’t trained to read eyes. Nor was I given a pair of ears that can decipher mumble speak. Therefore we’re all having a difficult time herding the cats. Have you ever heard of that term? Reading your body language. Teaming it up with your speaking voice. What messages are you sending out? I am a people watcher. I was trained to be. Earning a third degree black belt means watching the flow. So in this short moment of stream thinking. Free form writing. I ask, “Have our vocal tones changed?” What are you bringing to the gathering? I saw a news story over the weekend. A mother was vocally upset that she got Covid 19. She attended a Thanksgiving dinner with her daughter in law who invited over friends. Friends that made no mention of coming from out of state. The mother is upset. I’m sorry. But the experts asked us very politely to not gather. Our vocal tones by way of body language was to buck the system. The triple crown of holiday’s still has two more huge moments. How will your vocal tones change knowing this nation is losing one person every minute? In which language are you choosing to speak?
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