Wednesday, November 4, 2020
True Presence
Listen to "True Presence" on Spreaker.
November 4, 2020
I challenged myself last night to stay 100% away from the pre-game election results. Which is extraordinarily weird for a Broadcaster to say. We’re designed by program directors and consultants to be constantly connected to the heartbeat of what’ll be tomorrow’s watercooler conversation. Couldn’t put myself in that pair of shoes. No television, radio and social media. I woke up a different person. No anxiety. More open minded. Ready to take on the day with a positive leadership attitude and not one poisoned by the opinions of who these networks have labeled leaders in journalism. It takes absolutely no effort to put an opinion into play. Sadly we’ve all been given permission to post it. Only to ask why we’ve lost so many friends and family members. I totally grasp the truths of the world. We were born with and will die with an opinion. This is why I love talking with people. Did you catch that? Talking with… Not watching and having no way to express my side of the experience. Talking with… Somewhere along the journey we’ve forgotten how to be open to the idea of having a conversation. Not a text or post. I can’t hear your voice. I can’t see your eyes or body language. Its words! No emotion. If there’s friction. Let’s talk it out. Let’s replenish the soil with a better understanding of each other’s points of view and direction. The mission is to still be present with your voice but do so without verbally sparring your way to the top of the MMA championship. The daily activation should be focused on gaining access to a better understanding. Don’t forget as humans we are structured creatures. We have habits so large and so strong that trying to physically define the presence of the equation requires an act of conversation. The moment we were born each of us were given a voice in our head and heart. A voice only we could hear and keep in contact with. A voice that many trust while others spend their entire life trying to run away from. A voice so incredibly loud that it drowns out the truer picture of what a relationship is about. Then we have the outside voice. Which over the past fifteen years has evolved into fingers tapping on keyboards. For us to heal. For us to grow forward and outward. Let’s work together on conversation. Let your voice. The one connected to your mouth. Reach our ears. We were born to listen.
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