Friday, October 9, 2020
Yo Watz Up
Listen to "Yo Watz Up" on Spreaker.
October 9, 2020
It’s a choice to live in controlled chaos. I’ll never find myself on the cover of a magazine. Controlled chaos means being so far out there that all things looked upon as being normal runs out of air to breathe. It’s the only way you can calm the mind body and soul during yet another hurricane/tropical storm. Here comes Delta! As the Gulf prepares those of us on the inside of the nation emotionally embrace. And that’s what this podcast episode is about. While the men and women of the weather channel world drive up our anxiety levels with their sensationalism, the mental task is to call out the truer message. They’re hyping it up for their advertisers! They’re getting exactly what they need. It’s you and me to click onto their popup ads or watch them on TV. Our need to know is making people money. Anchors and weather people are crafted into a working machine to not inform but to drive people to making a buying decision. Look at all those car commercials! If something does go wrong you’re being programmed to know where to go. It’s who we’ve become in everything we are. I’ve spent the past six months studying the behavior of and even the BBC. The headlines change but the story remains. And none of the stories are the same on any of the pages. I’d love to see myself without social media. But that’s not going to happen. We’re addicted. Nobody knows where a hurricane is going to land and how it’s going to perform as it skates across the nation. A little puff of wind can send the tropical storm in a completely different direction. What do we get from it? Another reason to hate 2020. All of that energy wasted on something blown completely out of proportion. Making the right decision can’t be written two days out. If you live in the southeast then you should always be prepared with candles, batteries, flashlights, food, gas and the knowledge of what to do if something goes boom in the middle of the night. We go through this every year without the weather people forking out their verbal performances. Being present in your place of Now is the best place to grow. My Master in martial arts would always ask, “Is there something in your ability right now that can change what’s taking place. If the answer is no. Then move on.” I laugh out loud when coming across a story about how China and Russia are reaching through the internet to control our actions and decisions. It’s not them. It’s the news and weather people. They’re more powerful than a southern preacher. In all things you do everything you do is moved by what they share. Be aware of your emotions by being equal with love and peace. More importantly locate forgiveness. Always be ready to embrace and do everything you can to not write the story before the event takes place. Wasted energy is lost energy.
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