Wednesday, October 28, 2020
To Get By
Listen to "To Get By" on Spreaker.
October 28, 2020
I still hear the conversations my parents had with me as a child, “What is it going to take to get you to shut up in class? Your teachers claim you talk too much!” When I finally learned how to simmer down is when I picked up my need to write. I still have the stories penciled into place while sporting a pair of second grader shoes. Writing has always been my voice. It’s not always easy to throw down thoughts. My discipline is to be present on the page at 4:30 every morning. Some crazy stuff is always churning. You may not know it but we all walk into walls of words. Constantly and endlessly hearing things and playing things out. It’s as if we’re getting ready for something that doesn’t want to be identified. A wall of words. Not always mine. Especially these days. News reels playing over and over. Friends and co-workers from our past leaping into play mode like subliminal messages designed to break us down. The daily goal for all of us should be to remain focused. These dimly lit often cloudy untouched new steps of experience are leaping out to a horizon only the naked eye can see. Eight months of quarantine and it’s gotten old to just show up. To play along. To allow the atmosphere of the greatest mystery of our time to consume every breath available. Unlocking the blocked. Freeing up the creative flow so that all things hear music. It’s time to help heal the silenced soul. In moments like this I envision my daughter calmly looking at her children and saying, “Use your words. Its best if I know what you’re thinking.” For all of us there’s too much to deal with. We feel as if there’s not enough room to build new foundations of hope and ability. We’ve got this right? This? What is this? Standing next to a wall of words it could take on the shape of anything. We’ve got this. What is this? We must remain disciplined. Focused on walking. Which is a valuable lesson learned while growing faithfully into a third degree black belt. Focus on walking. We weren’t trained to take things out with the foot fist way. The black belt path is making sure you don’t put yourself in places where you think you may need to use the tools. Uncertain times put so many people on the edge of a cliff unseen by those who make up your circle. Unless you use your words the human heart naturally thinks we’ve got this. What is your this?
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