Monday, October 12, 2020
Stop Being A Bystander
Listen to "Stop Being A Bystander" on Spreaker.
October 12, 2020
An open honest question. One heavily inspired by the actions and reactions of regular everyday people physically trying to communicate. Have we convinced ourselves to expect this day and every day to be another twenty four hours of doom and gloom? My go to point of influence and inspiration has always been to hit a Bible page or verse. By way of transparency I must admit that even that decision has hit a high rate of deflation. I can study the word all day and listen to the biggest and best preacher teachers on the planet only to return to the pandemic, an election that’ll never arrive, the constantly growing hurricane season, unemployment and whatever else can be dropped into the picture. Have we convinced ourselves to expect this day and every day to be another twenty four hours of doom and gloom? I heard the best first step quote the other day on the Michelle Obama podcast. She was talking with the Michele Norris about the state of our nation. Miss Norris’s view is completely different. She said, “We have to stop reaching for getting back to normal and start reaching for getting better.” We don’t need to put our energy in trying to get to a normal life. The daily goal and ambition should be fed by wanting to live a better life. The very second I heard the quote I instantly started thinking about the millions of bystanders on this path of personal choice. We’ve stopped planting the seeds leading toward better dreams and success stories. In all that we should be doing we’ve chosen to set ourselves to the side of the road. To watch what’s happening. To point fingers and blame on the walkers. Waiting for them to make that one mistake then shout out, “I told you fate would catch up to them!” Of course we’re doing it! I see your social media. The pictures and videos. The number of smartphones being raised in the air to document a moment. Not change the path and or decision to become better. Bystanders! Then when things don’t unfold the way we thought it should we make noise. Besides capturing the moment on your smartphone what did you do to maintain a connection to make the right choices in change? Bystanders! Why? Because we have convinced ourselves to expect this day and every day to be another twenty four hours of doom and gloom. You know! Let other people fix it or continue breaking it. People act if they want nothing to do with it until it’s ready to rock. Until then…we’ll let this sporting event continue to play out as is. Bystanders! “We have to stop reaching for getting back to normal and start reaching for getting better.”
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