Wednesday, October 14, 2020
Mentally Speaking
Listen to "Mentally Speaking" on Spreaker.
October 14, 2020
To build up your courage and confidence doesn’t require pats on the back from friends and followers. Say that five times out loud. Make sure you can hear it as well as feel it. You don’t need pats on the back to maintain your strength in courage and confidence. But we do it anyway. We’re all guilty of posting a picture or thought on social media and become disappointed when the reaction is some to none. It totally deflates the positive purpose or method of emotion put into the purpose of the post. Your courage and confidence are constantly under attack. Another mindful moment is to understand that neither of them require a platform or base that’s been overshadowed by chance taking. Seeking to walk a tight wire in hopes of not falling. How many cliffs have you jumped off since the start of this Covid shutdown? Leaping outward in the name of fight or flight. Courage and confidence begin with self-belief and trust. Having faith in yourself. Which some might take as being filled with the universe or God. Love, trust, forgiveness and willingness still need a confident person to walk through that door. Let it begin with self. In your place of Now. Locating the strength to trust and have faith in your fast paced thoughts. Millions of them invade us every day. Knowing how to digest or deliver them requires courage and confidence. It doesn’t mean it’s going to be right. We should never walk into the wall or mountain expecting to find a victory on the other side. But you still had the courage and confidence to put one foot in front of the other. You are present. You are here. Allow yourself to be strong without seeking a pat on the back or making sure the rest of the world knows that you took out the trash today.
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