Thursday, October 15, 2020
Allowing Us To Disagree
Listen to "Allowing Us To Disagree" on Spreaker.
October 15, 2020
Right from the start I’ll admit that this is going to get heavy. Mainly because what we’re attempting to walk through as a people, generation and nation has got to be replenished with a new source of seeds for a future harvest. Oops. Three of you have already dropped off. At least my mom is still here. Mom? On this podcast episode I bring up a term that flowed through me at 5 this morning. The cry of the echo. The definition is simple but you may have to read through it a few times to understand its presence. The cry of the echo. The hearts endless attempt at wanting to navigate its way through the invisible emptiness caused by the presence of neglect and lack of accountability which has inspired a movement to let go and let die. Whoa! Come on dude! Have coffee first before you write! You have to understand that these assumed trying times are nothing more than what our hearts interpret as such. The cry of the echo. We all catch the same news headlines but we aren’t collaborating as a people but rather holding off on opinion due to a human need of being loved, liked and not lost. Verbal communication today acts as if it’s blasting away at this huge unstoppable mountain. Each party defends itself and rightly so. But the cry of the echo growing within, its unseen, unheard and unreleased until the breaking point takes on the shape of poverty, deceit, guilt, shame and all out embarrassment because the holder which is you, me, family and friends. Embarrassment because the holder knows they’re physically capable of accomplishing what they were designed to bring forward but are presently being held back by the parties involved. This is the part of the daily writing where I pen out a letter to the future reader. Dear Future Reader, the image and reality is that of multiple generations stuck in a silent mode of stay and wait. Yep. Stay and wait. The cry of the echo is our life in stalemate. Pull the lens of the camera back. This nation is being held together by essential workers that were once ignored by massive amounts of people because most wouldn’t be caught dead doing what they are expected. Yet today. Through their long hours and inner balance we are forging our way through a pandemic that’s badly injured brilliant decision makers, designers, chefs, broadcasters, actors, musicians and the list grows longer and deeper. The cry of the echo. The hearts endless attempt at wanting to navigate it’s way through the invisible emptiness caused by the presence of neglect and lack of accountability which has inspired a movement to let go and let die. Don’t stop. Your skills are needed. Maybe not where they once shined. But there’s a talent in you that brings out the best in others. My new reality? I’m that guy behind the cash register at the grocery store checkout line. Forty one years of radio and I’m blessed to have the opportunity to have real face to face talks with people trying to push away their personal echoes. Last night a senior in high school asked about how I’m able to these incredible conversations with anybody. My reply, “I show amazing interest in them. I take note of their presence and it brings forward an authentic connection.”
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