Monday, August 24, 2020
Writing Meditation And Prayer
Listen to "Writing Meditation And Prayer" on Spreaker.
August 24, 2020
A thought isn’t always easy for me to bring through. What about you? How long does it require for you to generate a thought? Not just any thought but a thought that’s shared by something much larger than you and somehow you’ve got to push it through you. On this podcast episode we grow an inch toward gaining access to a better understanding of how a thought with little or some impact reaches beyond what felt like a thoughtless moment. Meditation, prayer and putting words on paper are three incredible ways to speak to the inner self while developing a relationship with God, the Universe or The Way. A thought came to my thoughts but it wasn’t the thought I had hoped I would’ve thought. The moment you step onto any social media you’ve come face to face with an enormous amount of people who aren’t getting sleep at night. I get it! These are some out of control stress filled times. Rather than dealing with the thoughts caused by a lack of sleep, the goal seems to be a sudden rush onto social media and whip out a complaint. Or the need is to quickly turn on the television and take an early morning bath in late night news headlines or documentaries about tougher times. Whatever it takes to calm down your thoughts. Through meditation late late at night or very early early in the morning I’m able to free myself from thought. It’s not an overnight success story. I’ve battled sleepless nights my entire life. Not pretty. The meditation calms the thoughts. I call those thoughts the Narrator. Here’s the thought as to why I’m sharing this thought. So… I meditated very early yesterday morning. A success story on silencing the thoughts. When it was time to daily write. I had no thoughts. What? The meditation used to calm the thoughts had silenced the writer’s thoughts. The mind body and soul were screaming, “What gives?” I can’t be the only one that’s walked on this path. How often in your everyday business world have you been present in a meeting but your thoughts didn’t show up with you? You’re asked questions and you might as well of shrugged your shoulders. You may not call it meditation but each of us deal with thoughts in every hell bent way possible. When you turn off your thoughts how long does it require to get them back? We’ve got plenty of bad thoughts. I’m talking productive thoughts. Here’s the thought that serves as a seed. We already know that writing, meditation and prayer are incredible tools when silencing a thought. How do we get the good ones back? Two things. Don’t enter any method of mediation, prayer or writing being greedy. Keep what you think you need completely out of the picture. Allow things to move through you without expecting something in return. Number two. Patience. Never push patience into submission. Your life is challenging enough. You need to rely on patience to properly serve your thoughts. Unlock your clutter by making sure your thoughts have a safe open space to grow forward.
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