Thursday, August 13, 2020
Joan Kowlaski
Listen to "Joan Kowalski Talks About Famed Artist Bob Ross On TUBI" on Spreaker.
If the words “happy little trees” and “almighty mountains” slow down your pulse and bring on a sense of calm, you’re probably a fan of Bob Ross. Since Bob Ross first debuted on public television’s “The Joy of Painting” in 1982, he amassed millions of fans who took great comfort in watching him slowly bring his landscape masterpieces to life as he uttered peaceful and calming words of wisdom in his unmistakable soothing voice.
A self-described “tree and mountain-type person,” Bob Ross is one of the most iconic painters of the 20th century. For a dozen years, Bob recorded more than 400 episodes of The Joy of Painting, which remains one of the most popular shows on public television. This July marks the 25th anniversary of Bob’s passing, but his passion for teaching and inspiring others lives on today through the thousands of instructors who teach his method around the world.
If ever there was a time for the serenity and tranquility of Bob Ross, it’s now. Fortunately, every episode of The Joy of Painting is now available to stream, free on Tubi. The episodes are available on more than 25 different devices for the more than 20 million people who use the service each month.
Joan Kowalski’s parents formed a little company with Bob Ross and his wife in 1982, after her Joan’s mother first discovered the painter. Joan joined the team in 1988, answering phones before widening her scope, ultimately becoming President of Bob Ross, Inc. Says Joan: “Bob loved to think and dream and plan things the little company could do. He was never at a loss for ideas. And the satisfaction of knowing the company has been able to realize Bob’s intentions through the years is immeasurable."
Speak with Joan Kowalski about the legacy of Bob Ross on the 25th anniversary of his passing, why the little public TV show caught on with a massive global audience, what lessons viewers can impart from his wisdom during these difficult times, and how to stream all episodes for free anytime.
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