Tuesday, July 28, 2020
Who Is In Charge
Listen to "Who Is In Charge" on Spreaker.
July 28, 2020
Because I’m a silent wolf. Which is a universal way of saying I’m a people watcher. Making myself aware of all things that become the elements inside our present place, I pay close attention to the waves of energy flowing through each person I meet. We’ve stopped asking questions. We don’t have a problem making decisions. We just don’t ask questions. The making of the zombie. Your eyes are glossy. Your arms hang down. Your shoulders are killing you because it’s become your new walk. On this podcast episode I ask a lot of questions. I rip off the blinders we once wore to get us through the downpours before Covid and we dive into the presence of what can be done in a world where everything is out of control. Wait. Not in your world. It’s all good. Take off the sunglasses and get a good look at what happens to the soil when a farmer takes his tractor and hoe to the edge and starts flipping the dirt. What happens if? We should then ask, “When did it happen?” Why did it happen? How and where did it happen? Thanks to global news outlets and the internet the world is very small. Every event unfolding anywhere on the planet feels like our backyard. Any place can become a hot spot for protests and riots. In that moment of several different sides joining as one, someone’s not asking about the Coronavirus Covid-19. Who’s in charge? I’m not pointing fingers at a president of other global leader. Who’s controlling the chaos? Ask yourself! Is this meant to be a spiritual journey? Are we being tested by a laughing creator? Has something extremely dark hacked into God’s company computer and it’s messing up our streets of gold? Who’s in charge? And in that moment of putting that sentence on paper I heard in my heart, “We are.” We’re making decisions without asking questions. We’re burping up everything wrong without developing a solution. We’re making on demand choices. Living life like we binge watch television. Who’s in charge? We are. Big chance the little ones in your life are asking some serious questions about school and how their new tomorrow is going to look. Do you make up stories to help soothe their wandering hearts? If you’re lucky enough to get through this storm you’re grandkids are going to ask you about the great big sickness and the reason why it spread like wildfire. What will you say when they ask “But who was in charge?” I’m not looking forward to the day when I reply, “We were. And I’m so sorry that we didn’t put focus on making it better.” We are…
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