Thursday, July 30, 2020
Marc Hartzman
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Just in Time for NASA's 2020 Mars Perseverance Launch!
This summer, 3 nations are launching missions to Mars, leading Scientific American to dub it the "Summer of Mars," noting that these "missions are a clear sign that the Red Planet has not lost its appeal just yet".
NASA has moved it's launch window for Mars Perseverance to July 30-August 15th and The Big Book of Mars: From Ancient Egypt to The Martian, a Deep Dive into Our Obsession with the Red Planet author Marc Hartzman is available as an alternative to science experts and can offer historical and pop culture insights, like:
. Why Mars has been an obsession for people from ancient Sumeria and Egypt to the present day.
. Who the key players were and their hypotheses n- from the strange to the changemaking
. How Mars has inspired pop culture and why it's been a point of fascination for readers and viewers.
. With the launch of Mars Perseverance, why continued exploration of Mars is important.
The "race to Mars" is our modern-day space race, with NASA and private entities striving to be the first to put humans on the fourth planet from the sun. Yet our preoccupation with Mars and life on it dates back thousands of years, beginning with the ancient Egyptians. Affectionately named "The Red Planet," Mars has drawn countless scientists, novelists, filmmakers, and entrepreneurs to hypothesize and imagine the impossible: life beyond Earth.
A lifelong collector of unusual stories, historian Marc Hartzman boldly brings the Red Planet to life in The Big Book of Mars: From Ancient Egypt to The Martian, A Deep-Space Dive into Our Obsession with the Red Planet (Quirk Books; On sale: July 7, 2020; $24.99; Trade Paperback Original). Known as a "leading connoisseur of the bizarre," Hartzman skillfully delves earthlings' relationship with Mars, including its impact on pop culture, space exploration, and hopes for the future, and features interviews with NASA scientists. This wildly entertaining history is fully illustrated with archival images ranging from real-life newspaper clippings to early conceptual drawings of Martians to pop-cultural ephemera like the iconic Looney Tunes character Marvin the Martian. Guiding readers through shifting trends and schools of thought,
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