Friday, July 24, 2020
I'm Not Moved
Listen to "I'm Not Moved" on Spreaker.
July 24, 2020
I’m amazed at how we’ve evolved into a generation where we feel our voices do need to be heard. For some, that’s good. For others? I can still hear my father, “You better watch what you say.” Kids do say the darndest thing! Adults feel like they can just say it. One problem though and we’re going to talk about it on this podcast episode. The further we get into this Coronavirus journey the more natural we are becoming with our emotions. Natural meaning we aren’t taking it anymore. You know, using that high parent like voice that peacefully whispers “This too shall pass.” That fake smile and positive attitude and outlook. We are becoming more natural with our emotions. Reality is getting pretty heavy. The actuality of our daily acceptance is growing thin. As people, we feel we can say anything we want and or make facial expressions that send others into areas they can no longer control. When I pray, write and meditate it’s a daily choice to truly be positive. It’s not fake because the goal is to activate positive not only in my life and anything that I come in contact with. Our imaginations are locked in on inventing trouble. To soothe the situation we hit Amazon or Walmart. Guess what. The deeper we travel into this socially distanced business world the poorer we are getting. We are going to learn the hard way that happiness cannot be purchased. Crap! You mean we have to figure this out? The acceptance of our behavior is starting to get an image. A picture that’s teaching our kids and friends that it must be ok to be mean and or so disappointed with life that I’m gonna revert back to my two year old self and throw a huge fit. Stop right here. Clear your head. Stop. The next sentence is gonna fly over your head and heart. You ready? We are in control of what we say in a world where the pandemic has us out of control. Let me say it again. We are in control of what we say in a world where the pandemic has us out of control. How do we fix it? When you’ve been given the clearance to speak openly the idea of bringing it to a close is almost impossible. Until something happens that could’ve been controlled. We are in control of what we say in a world where the pandemic has us out of control. When employees finally get back to work they’re gonna need to take special classes based on practicing self-control. Businesses are going to need more than sanitizer and wipes. Mental sickness is hitting America and nobody wants to get it under control. We are in control of what we say in a world where the pandemic has us out of control.
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