Tuesday, May 19, 2020
The Lyrics From Billy's Forest Chapter 202
Listen to "The Lyrics From Billys Forest Chapter 202" on Spreaker.
Overlooking my forest in south Charlotte I came across a wandering thought about the truest form of lessons we could take from any of this mess baring the name Covid-19? Yeah yeah wash your hands and do all you can to socially distance yourself from people you assume are your friends. On this podcast I take a deep look into the awareness of simplicity. I'm amazed at how many people outside the road race to get back to a normal have made their journey moving forward. Simple. Less hectic and stress free. A step toward truly locating this thing called peace and its got nothing to do with how much money you're making. To begin a path of living more simple my wife and I have leaped onto a path that's called The Swedish Death Cleaning. Meaning you get rid of everything that would have no value inside another persons life after your passing. Simplifying the identity has got to be a part of this as well. How much junk do we have on our social media and why is it there collecting digital weight. I'll post things at 3pm on a Monday and take it down by the next day. Real thoughts have no purpose in a growing moment. I probably took this on because I get tired of reading Facebook entries about people not feeling well or finding a day of victory and they respond with "Oh that was last month,." I'm amazed at how nature has reacted during their Coronavirus shut down. We are being served one of the most beautiful Springs ever. Turning our lives around hasn't been the easiest but the payoff seems to be taking on the shape of simpler thoughts, actions and predictions. Which scares me because what will life switch back to when all business doors are open and company leaders need to save the four walls they were hired to protect? The truth of the story doesn't rest in their clutches. It's up to you. A choice. Keeping it simple is house cleaning your mind body and soul. Being aware is your best tool. Hit those closets.
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