Friday, May 29, 2020
Maybe We Should Count To 12
Listen to "Maybe We Should Count To 12" on Spreaker.
Not just me but for thirteen or fourteen weeks the experts have been calling Covid-19 an invisible monster. With no image millions of people world wide are having horrid nightmares or aren't getting any sleep at all. Anxiety is stealing a lot of energy. No matter how much you attend church or try to do positive things in your neighborhood or around the city that which you live, this invisible beast hasn't unveiled its face. Or maybe it's starting to. In ways no one could predict but its becoming a huge mess. On this podcast we talk about trying to digest content in an over saturated society. It's time to stop face planting in our smart phones. The decisions that each of us are making in our personal lives is making its way onto the streets of the everyday. Which means we're feeding the face of anxiety. The image is becoming clearer. Covid-19 caused 41 million people to be currently unemployed. Covid-19 has caused a huge increase in ICU hospitalizations. Mentally Covid-19 is putting us in places of no longer thinking about making the right choices. Massive riots, fires and looting. Racism has been this nations worst disease and its now being fed by daily mental beatings caused by the ongoing unexplained plan, purpose or healing of Covid-19. Now toss in the President taking on Social Media for taking away his freedom of speech. I don't care what you think of him. Not my issue. Like him or not. He's right. Ultimately as humans we have to choice to believe in what he posts. It reminds me of the story of the little boy who picked up the snake that bit him. You knew what it was when you picked it up. We are forgetting how to walk in peace. If you don't feel it then you aren't walking with it. It has to be practiced everyday. Its not when you're in the mood or only on Sundays before lunch. Peace is a place of fewer pieces. Yes there's a lot of stuff that needs to be protested. Yes the nation seems out of focus and moving in awkward directions with the house payment due again in three days. Tich Naht Hahn came to the U.S. to protest the Vietnam war in the 1970's. The shouters, the banner carriers, the face painters and totally angry were not happy with this extremely peaceful man from the country they were protesting the war against. He then said, "If you want peace then walk in peace." Your Mom and Dad always knew when you were a pissed off child. Its in the DNA. They'd tell you to count to ten. I'm thinking its time you count to twelve. Embrace your Now. Every decision you make today will have an impact on other people's lives. If that front line keeping us somewhat free of Covid-19 gets weak. We will be defeated.
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