Monday, April 27, 2020
Sarah Knight
Listen to "Sarah Knight Releases The Book F No" on Spreaker.
We’ve all been there. The co-worker who always asks you to donate to the latest worthy cause, the wedding invite for a couple you barely know, your bff who never seems capable of carrying her own stuff when you go out. Its maddening and so often makes you feel frustrated because you always say yes! With her characteristic humor, bestselling author, Sarah Knight deals self-help with an edge and shows us the way out of the yes trap. Learn techniques to help you master the 4 different kinds of “no’s”, like:
The Hard No- simple direct and non-negotiable This could be a straightforward No, a more pleasant No thank you, or a raised-eyebrow I think not. In any case, your content and delivery should imply that this is the end of the conversation.
· The Professional No (The Pro-No) Sprinkle professional phrases like As it happens, Regrettably, and Upon consideration into your emails—or, for higher degree of difficulty, learn how to say them in the moment, in person, and with a straight face.
· The No-and-Switch Did you know you can say no to one thing but offer an alternative thing THAT YOU PREFER? Indeed you can, Stan! The No-and-Switch is great for those times when you not only don’t want to hurt someone’s feelings, but you also actually do want to do some- thing with/for them, just not in the specific manner or time- frame they originally suggested.
· The No That Leaves the Door Open Wishy-washy no’s that keep you from having to commit to commitments are a waste of time. You shouldn’t leave someone dangling, but if you want to decline now, but not entirely close off one of those opportunities for fun or profit later, then this is your no, Joe
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