Friday, March 20, 2020
Freedom From The Bunker
Listen to "Freedom From The Bunker" on Spreaker.
I put myself there. A crazy thought. To think that in this present place of the Coronavirus that we are trapped. A feeling of being imprisoned, hidden away in a bunker or locked in a safe room somewhere in the world where others can't see. As a creative mind I had to free myself from such thinking. Yes California has pulled their people in but the Mayor of Los Angeles clearly stated that they are not locked down. They can still walk about by way to hitting the store, getting exercise and bathing in the sun. On this podcast I continue the walk through the daily writing which is positioned in December of 2016. I'm still convinced that who we are right now on March 20, 2020 is an experience and story for a different time. Who you are. What you are doing. It's for a future self that's going to need this friction on the path to build a newer presence in that persons present. I bring this up because the daily writing from December 2016 is speaking directly into the heart of our now. He doesn't beat around the bush. It's honest. It serves as a great motivator. A path for some. Sure we are getting a lot of family time during this pandemic but what we aren't focused on are the moments where you want to be left alone. Your time. Your space. Your visions and decisions without having to include a second and third party. Marriage is a partnership not ownership. Be strong with yourself by respecting everything you are and it includes that walk by yourself. I keep a de-frag journal where I do nothing but free form write. My wife is checked out and I'm checked into doing what I do. You can't stop being you or you're going to feel like you're in a bunker, imprisoned or lost on a mountainside with lions, tigers and bears. Oh my!
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