Thursday, February 20, 2020
Setting Free The Doubter
Listen to "Setting The Doubter Free" on Spreaker.
I have doubt issues. I doubt everything. Not always a lack of faith or trust but rather a lack of belief in the moment presently presented. There's snow in today's forecast. I'm filled with doubt. I don't want the weather people to be right. I'm from Montana snow has always been in my life. But not today. I'm not in the mood for it. I doubt it's going to happen only to become disappointed with the amazing amount of energy I'm using to wishfully push the flakes away. On this podcast we jump into a huge pile of doubt and how to free yourself from it. It controls so many of us. Once the doubt bug has bitten you aren't going to let it go until something physical takes place. One of the greatest practice grounds for me to let doubt go was learning how to tithe at church without doubting where the money is really going. It's not my job to think about that. Through trust and faith the energy from those dollars and cents is going to outreach programs you'll never meet. To doubt during tithing spoils the reason why you've chosen to give. I don't tithe to receive. I tithe because the present place we stand has allowed me to make something available and I'm grateful. So what does this have to do with learning how not to doubt. The awkward mental movement has to begin somewhere. Finding a safe path to plant your next step cannot be connected to fear, shame, guilt and doubt. You're walking into every moment already poisoned. It is a daily discipline to go into my journals of twenty six years and read the words planted on paper. Not to celebrate the writer but to read about the journey. The march through life with doubt on his back. To grow beyond the structure created by bosses that abused and family members that ghosted. I find tremendous growth in reading about what life was like without Google and smart phones. How we grew as a nation beyond September 11th. To feel his fear connected to war. To hear about another anthrax scare and why was this happening. Yeah he doubted and he still does today. You learn so much about your path when the words reach out of the books of twenty or so years ago. You can't change anything but your present place of now. And in recognizing that there's less doubt.
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