Thursday, February 27, 2020
Leave Yesterday Where It Belongs
Listen to "Leave Yesterday Where It Belongs" on Spreaker.
I was with a major corporation yesterday that's developed a product that learns from itself. A.I. learning. It remembers! They've put thousands upon thousands of pictures inside the chips of this device so that when it comes near a object it will know what the next move is. On this podcast I compare how this new A.I. availability is what we used to do with ourselves. We used personal experience to push us through the appearance of something that doesn't feel right. But if A.I.'s are beginning to do the work for us... How does that change the landscape of how we will one day feel and act upon? On this particular day in 2016 the writer was having a hard time coming up with words to lay on the second page. He felt alone. Not motivated to proceed and yet the daily discipline is to make it three. So he questions the atmosphere and all things connected. How could a creative mind not want to do what it was designed to do. He had to rely on past pictures or experiences to complete the project. Which is exactly how the process of the A.I was explained to me. Through its daily expectations it teaches itself while we are promised less work and more time to enjoy life. I sat there thinking... Time is the one thing every person on this planet has in common. Nobody gets more. We all are rewarded the same. Technology knows how much life we've lost because too much time has been spent doing our jobs or chores. What are we going to do with time when we have it? Isn't human nature to waste it? Only to complain about not having enough. It's like getting a bank loan to pay off your credit cards and within a years time you're back in the same position. A thought came to me this morning while writing. A dark cloud that hangs between your heart and sky is put there by choice. With the same energy. The same amount of time. Through experience and what we've learned you can make it go away. Whereas an A.I. has no emotion and willing way to push such a thing away. It's just an object. A branch that's fallen from the tree. You still have the ability to be brilliant.
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