Monday, February 24, 2020
Jamie Mustard
Listen to "Jamie Mustard Releases The Book The Iconist" on Spreaker.
Already published in October. It just won an OWL for Business / Sales & Marketing. Perhaps there may be a tie in somewhere? Jamie has also just written a beautiful essay of how his grandmother helped him escape poverty, semi literacy to ultimately graduate from the London School of Economics should that intrigue.
Jamie Mustard understands what it feels like to be invisible. He was a poor and semi-literate child raised in Los Angeles. As a teenager, Jamie became disillusioned with his upbringing and moved to Westchester to live with his grandmother and immediately enrolled in remedial classes at the local community college. Within five years he graduated from the London School of Economics.
It was his early years of deprivation, invisibility, and struggle that led to his adult life passion: discovering what it takes to make something–anything–stand out despite the avalanche of information we’re exposed to every day. By focusing on the ‘economics of attention,’ Mustard uses Block Theory––simple, monolithic, repeatable, instantly perceivable emotional connections––to explain why anything endures in the mind (or fails to).
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