Friday, November 22, 2019
Listen to "Numbers" on Spreaker.
More times than many I keep bumping into people that are totally freaked out about how fast 2019 has put itself on the map. Within three blinks of a single eye we're going to be face to face with 2025 with absolutely no way of knowing how any of it gained access to the highway of life without being pulled over by well skilled patrolman and their sporty cars. I thoroughly believe my reasons for doing all I can to stay from numbers is 100% connected to the face of a digital clock. We endlessly wake up in the middle of the night and count the number of hours or minutes we have left before life picks us up and throws us onto a layer of unexpectedness. I sit down to write in my daily journals at 4:30 every morning. I'm deeply bothered if I show up late. It messes with my numbers! I need to be producing in the studio by 5:30 am! The interviews start at 8:30 and sometimes go until 5:20 pm. I say that because this Tuesday that's when I'm hooking up with Judas Priest. I can never say no to the numbers. On this podcast we enter the war with an open heart only to realize the ticks in clock aren't the only numbers that send our life and style into a total tailspin. When those freaky little figures begin to consume your every thought and decision you've got to have the strength and discipline to pull yourself away the world and locate the blank spot. A wall without pictures. A blank sheet of paper or pull off one of my weirdisms... Put your face 100% up against the bathroom mirror and stare into one eye. It's fuzzy and totally not in tune with normal but the blank spot has a way of hitting the center of your soul before you get back into the numbers race.
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