Monday, September 30, 2019
The Seeds Located In Your Now
Listen to "The Seeds Located In Your Now" on Spreaker.
During my early chapters of martial arts I trained hard on a simple thought, "Leave your job at the door. Be present in your place of now. Find peace here by way of choice." We've all had those days and storms where it seems like everything on the planet is just another page connected to a story you can't change. We're also extremely guilty of writing a story about an event that hasn't happened and won't come into play for several days or months. We weigh ourselves down with an atmosphere of either rewriting our past or trying to predict what can't be. On this podcast we leap onto the thought of evolving ourselves into a life of living in the present. Being mindful of your Now. It's not an easy task because they deeper you walk into its incredible empowerment the more friends and family members you're going to lose from your circle of relationships. Being present means staying clear of conversations of accusations and judgement calls connected to a past or future situation. Those around you find energy in being negative and or tearing another person apart. Your place in the Now doesn't require that kind of focus. For the love of God I hope this doesn't sound like a commercial but my consumption of Red Bull and Monster energy drinks totally dropped off the radar while walking this journey. The path and future weaken your awareness and willingness to want to grow toward success. Being present in your Now gives you the right amount of energy. If it's not there when you need it to be that's where a short experience with mediation gifts your system with a jolt of wow. Trusting your Now is a long term challenge because everything around you wants to be in your past or so far up front that you don't have time to deal with being happy right here. Find focus. In doing so you'll begin to believe as well as see that you are in control and have been the entire time. It was you who chose to give everybody else what they needed because all you wanted out of life was to be accepted. Your body reacted and will until you start listening to what it deserves.
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