Tuesday, September 17, 2019
The Lyrics From Billy's Forest Chapter 170
Listen to "The Lyrics From Billys Forest Chapter 170" on Spreaker.
I write in a forest. There's an energy there I can't seem to explain. I go there to listen. I finally started paying attention in 2015. The Billy Graham Library in Charlotte. The journey didn't end there. After a year of scribbling junk into the trunk of a tree now paper... I realized something was moving through me. I heard a calling. Because I write in a forest you see plenty of things on the cluttered floor. Pine needles and leaves. Fallen branches and other people's writing instruments. That's how careless or uncaring we are. I endlessly locate pens on the surface of this planets skin. With no question I pick them up and use them. Somebody must have left it there for a poet right? On this podcast we grow within the body of my most recent pen discovery. It was cracked and yet so useful. Put ink it and let it do it's job. Then from out of nowhere I scratched into the page, "Put ink it and let it do it's job like the way of the world of business." Ouch. When you look in the mirror whose eyes do you see? You give so much of yourself to the people that write your paycheck, have you taken on their image? Married people do! Eventually you begin to look like each other. You can't help but think of the writing instrument found on the forest floor. We're cracked and still able to write. Just put ink in it and let it do it's job." No matter how many times you're bothered the moment you walk into your place of business, you perform. Then one day you'll become 50 plus and have no paper trail as to how you got that far so fast. You always had ink inside your system of delivery. You performed. Is that really how you want to give your life away? When was the last time you found a birds feather floating freely on a street corner or front yard? Were you grateful for the connection? Feathers always seem so peaceful as they float within the wind. Your life is a rock compared to it. Awareness clears the path. Mindfully being present becomes what you can control. Your next decision make it about your ink well. Let your mind body and soul be filled with your vision. If every song on the radio is about the musicians life. Why did they get to live and you chose to walk ahead. Locate the lyrics of a new song. It starts with a broken writing instrument found on a forest floor.
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