Monday, August 12, 2019
Listen to "Release" on Spreaker.
Its funny how we are taught as children to have an open heart and mind. As life moves forward we become stuffy and bloated with all these things we've collected because nobody comes along to teach us how to release. We horde our experiences. Mine! Mine! Julia Cameron writes about the letting go process in her book The Artist Way. She teaches us to clean out the closet. That doesn't necessarily mean the physical itty bitty room in your house. It means your head and heart. Clear it. Set things free. Learn to develop a dropping off point. Forty plus years of radio and I thought in order to make it to the top we're supposed to collect the experiences. Laugh out loud. What you were given last week and the months before are outdated. Having a cleared process of discovery gifts your path with new age success. It's a huge change in your lifestyle. All things in your everyday are moving in forward motion. To be present with its purpose and power you have to be ready to release. Get rid of it. Which sounds like a negative until you begin to put focus on who is receiving it. We float the Catawba River several times a year. The water is released from the dam. Without it we would float in one place. Your mind body and soul are no different. That burst of energy from all things being held back allows you to grow forward. Giving yourself permission to let go helps open the door for you to also rid the body of the negatives. Once free from those weighty objects the senses begin to find new fields of growth. Hard to picture in the beginning but incredibly beautiful when you realize that what you hold isn't as special as you think.
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