Wednesday, June 19, 2019
Dr Amy Blackstone
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Dr. Amy Blackstone, a nationally recognized expert on the childfree choice, seeks to set the record straight with her upcoming book, CHILDFREE BY CHOICE: The Movement Redefining Family and Creating a New Age of Independence (Dutton; June 11, 2019), a definitive investigation into the history and current growing movement of adults choosing to forgo parenthood.
CHILDFREE BY CHOICE strips away many common misconceptions, revealing the radical notion that support of the childfree can lead to better lives and societies for all.
When she was growing up, Dr. Amy Blackstone always assumed that her life would eventually include having children. As the years passed, though, the urge to become a mother never arrived. Blackstone, a sociology professor at the University of Maine, now confidently and happily identifies as childfree by choice. She and her husband, Lance, created their blog we're {not} having a baby to share their experiences and connect with other adults who were choosing to forgo parenthood, and what they found was a diverse, fascinating, welcoming community that consistently defied stereotypes about adults who choose not to have children.
Motivated by her own experiences and those of the childfree community she has connected with, Blackstone has become a nationally recognized expert of the childfree choice who has conducted research on the subject since 2008.
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