Wednesday, May 22, 2019
When Do You Take Control
Listen to "When Do You Take Control" on Spreaker.
I love taking the time to sit down with people that appear to have lived life. It's how I prepare for what will become my silver years. I want to hear how they managed their way through the everyday. Sadly, what I keep bumping into are the journeys that expose a truth about business that has silenced a lot of legacies that should've been stronger than what they ended up becoming. At birth you are given a gift. You aren't guaranteed a successful life with that chosen gift but what you hold has a lifetime of opportunities. Through other people's decisions your life is shaped. Then when you turn 65 you turn around and realize all that you thought you'd become never truly came into being because all of your investments were dumped into this thing called just doing my job. Which I commend you for! While thinking about the boss and coworkers that chose to leave work early on Fridays to play a round of golf or hang out in expensive restaurants because they knew you had the workplace under control. Your legacy is based on making the path right for others but not yourself. This isn't a guilt trip! This is awareness. Somewhere along the line you've got to find value in your story. Which might be two table spoons of happiness with no money in the bank. If all you do is serve others by way of receiving a pat on the back, call it what it is. An addiction to getting attention. A craving to always being accepted. A need to be seen. Does the dentist truly know your name? In their world you're just another x-ray. My father to this moment is a huge inspiration not only to me but to others because he was never afraid to do things his way. There was value in his word, he decisions and reasons why he was able to be a leader in the business world. Not a decision maker. A hard working passion driven vision of this is how we get the product out to the consumer kind of guy. When he passed in 2015 I guarantee that he was proud of the legacy he put into the soil. You still have time to do it your way. Don't be afraid of the cost. Success isn't free. Stop making other people with less loyalty rich. Sucking up to the boss is enabling their bad people skills.
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