Thursday, May 9, 2019
Following A Raindrop
Listen to "Following A Raindrop" on Spreaker.
My imagination lately has been captivated by the actuality of China landing a probe on the surface of the moon. Those in charge of space here in the United States aren't shrugging their shoulders. They're motivating decision makers to wake up and get back on the path of discovering newer things about that object that hangs in each of our skies. On this podcast we talk about a single raindrop making its way to the ocean. China being on the moon is that drop from the sky that hit a wall twenty years ago when man decided the object above us was no longer worth exploring. How does a raindrop that's fallen on a mountainside make its way to the Pacific or Atlantic? Someone may tell you that it's physically impossible. Have you ever seen the ocean dry? Then why do you allow your dreams to become a deserted desert floor? You too are filled with millions of raindrops trying to find the path that shall lead it to the ocean. Only to be lifted back into the sky to start a new journey down a different mountainside. For the journey to be complete the raindrop can't be challenged by thoughts of defeat. It embraces the choice. Peace or pieces? Walking and living in peace means in all things you do you must be peaceful. No matter how tall the wall or wide the layers of the dam, that single raindrop inside of you must utilize the strength of peace to make it to the ocean. The space program has realized that our ocean, which seems to be Mars cannot be reached unless we reach beyond the river and or dam. By placing yourself beyond what stops you, the capability to achieve success reignites the purpose of probability. A dot on a map doesn't mean you've stopped. Through peace your imagination is ready to grow.
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