Friday, March 1, 2019
We'll Believe When He Believes
Listen to "We Will Believe When He Believes" on Spreaker.
I've lived in the south for 34 years. Oh yeah! That place on the planet where there's a church or a drug store on every corner. You talk to many of the preachers and leaders down here and they'll tell you it's still not enough. The Charlotte metro area is 2.5 million strong and the majority of those who make it possible walk without a reason to celebrate a relationship with whatever is out there in that vast universe. So they keep building churches. Hmmm. On this podcast I take from my notes written in July of 2016 a single line, "We'll believe when we believe that he believes." Not an attack or judgement against the higher being. It's an open conversation with how it is that we believe. Millions of people show up at work everyday not believing in the company they work for. The work still gets done. How is that possible? Because the physical return of investment is cha ching for your banking purposes. We'll believe when we believe he believes. I have atheist friends that flat out jump at the moment when they can preach why they don't believe which makes me giggle. The conversation is so in depth and personal yet I'm fulfilled because they believe so strongly in something. In my book One Man's 1,021 Thoughts I wrote, "Numb is still a feeling." When there's so much proof of having no belief there's still belief. Maybe not in the keeper of the big book but you still have something in your heart and head. Great businesses succeed not because everybody's on the same team. Bosses know the best employee isn't the dedicated and loyal but the one that's created a system of choices and is determined to one day get a better job but don't because they believe every job will treat them the same way. So why make the change? Here are the eight hours required. Now lets go home. Getting the job done without the excess fat of having to explain why you're there.
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