Tuesday, March 5, 2019
The Lyrics From Billy's Forest Chapter 145
Listen to "The Lyrics From Billys Forest Chapter 145" on Spreaker.
I've always been inspired by what moves during extremely cold mornings. I first bumped into this inspiration while walking through those brutal 42 below zero temps once experienced while growing up in Montana. Not too many things find reason to move when the weather has taken such a turn. On this podcast we leap onto that subject then compare it to the always perfect 98.7 degrees inside your mind body and soul. No wonder we mentally hold onto a lot of guilt, shame, fear and doubt. None of that stuff could survive on a 27 degree day. All of those Debbie Downer moments have you trapped because it's incredibly awesome on the inside of you. It's time to take down that jungle. Ger rid of the Kudzu on your clogged up fields of future growth. Bamboo looks pretty nifty cool on someone's desk at work. In a forest though it will bring starvation to every plant. Cut down those negatives and get something more positive growing in your life. One problem. Your biggest hurdle will be family, friends and work. Nobody wants you to change. It makes them feel guilty to see you lose so much mental weight. Expect your list of close people to thin out as well. Growing forward and outward comes with a price. Plant something new inside that system of yours. It's a perfect 98.7 degrees! Stop creating the storms that make it a washout day.
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