Thursday, March 28, 2019
Raise Your Arms
Listen to "Raising Our Arms" on Spreaker.
As strong as I am with my faith in public I still find it extremely difficult to raise my arms in church. It's just not my thing. I feel like a taker. Yet, while praying at home I do put those palms in the air to praise the birth of new beginnings. On this podcast we dive into these areas of question. Why not at a place of worship but always while comfortably standing within the four walls of home? The movement of energy is through us at all times. Understanding how it appears and can be used is learned not only through prayer but by putting focus on meditation. Trusting the energy that comes to life in your present place of now. In church that feeling of being a taker is a personal issue that needs no human judgement. I don't arrive in a place of worship to grab hold of the worship then go about my day. Receiving is better understood when the empowerment of sharing grows upon the surface of your open fields of discovery. Through mediation you're able to feel what enters you then passes through. Raising those arms is no different. Rather than thinking of yourself as being a taker, trust that your energy is being used in positive ways as it leaves your body. There's a huge difference between prayer and meditation but that doesn't mean you can't do both in church. Utilizing the presence of both helps open your systems of choice. Your next decision doesn't need another reason to be blocked. Move the energy through you without hoarding what you think you're in need of. Be present with how you feel without labeling the actions taken.
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