Thursday, February 28, 2019
Clearing Not Opening
Listen to "Clearing Not Opening" on Spreaker.
I was hit with a thought this morning while writing at 4:30. No matter what. How thick the challenge or glorious the victory, God can't change your past. I instantly picked up my smartphone and sent those words to my preacher friend Casey Crimmins. People who live in their past and live off those days of change or simpleness are trying to do something God can't do nor is he or she willing to put effort into the moment. Oh man, the dude is gonna go all thought Bible thumping! No! On this podcast we walk a path of learning how to stop hording your moments of championships won and days of darkness so deep that a passing thunderstorm takes one look at you and says, "Yeah much too strong for me." No matter how many times you walk into a Walmart, Home Depot or mall store you are coming out with something. I recently ventured into a closet I hadn't been in for months maybe years. It's not that my house is large. I have this habit of walking through the house the same way everyday. The closet isn't part of that daily journey. I opened the door. There in front of me was a lot of merchandise. Stuff I'd never worn or used. I bought it to buy it. The lessons of the everyday life. Aren't we doing the same thing. You learn new things at work without ever teaching it to someone who might replace you one day. I laugh at that stuff. I'm not laughing at anyone. I'm laughing with life. The hardest working most dedicated and loyal people at a place of business will be replaced only to spend the rest of their life trying to get the same job over and over again. Our closets are full. Not fulfilled but overfilled. It's time to clear out the mind, body and soul. Don't open it! That's an invitation for everything to come inside. Clear yourself. Teach someone your art. Allow them to live the experiences by way of being aware of where you've grown. Clear the path so that you can see your success.
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