Thursday, January 3, 2019
What's Keeping You From Trusting The Power Of Now
Listen to "Whats Keeping You From Trusting The Power Of Now" on Spreaker.
So many changes move through us on a hourly basis. Too much is stuffed into our process of thinking which causes us to react. Sometimes not in the best way. It happens all the time on the social media. The event then the action which causes a reaction leading to more action. Suddenly you're miles off your expectations of the day and can't find your way back to Oz. On this podcast I step into a sip of why it's so important to keep yourself locked on mindfully living in the present. Being available for your "Now" is the one place you have control over. Your past is gone. The future needs your present place to build a strong foundation for you to arrive. Thinking of yourself as a river seems like an odd ball conversation for crazy artists that want to tap into their creative juices. That right there dams the flow of energy endlessly arriving in your mind body and soul. Most of it is wasted on where you once stood or your dreams are so tall that you're too quick to put up the ladder and try to climb over the obstacles planted on the path without your permission. You didn't get to this place of "Now" by being a bystander. Somewhere in between the questions you realized that you didn't need an answer. You just did it. Go there again. Quit comparing your history to those around you and find trust in what's happening in your "Now." There's always room to grow forward and outward. Be great at being you.
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