Thursday, January 17, 2019
The First Step Into Now
Listen to "The First Step Into Now" on Spreaker.
My friend talked to me about these podcasts. He said, "You tend to speak a lot about locating this place of daily travel while accepting the art of stumbling. But you aren't teaching us how to arrive in the same place." My friend is an atheist. Totally tunes out at the very mention of God or Jesus. Which I'm ok with. We all have our separate journey. The majority of what we do daily is try to fill the void. Along each of our paths there's always that question, "What's the purpose and reason?" On this show we dive into that very subject. We are blinded by the events of what we've done and or expect from the unwritten chapters which is the future. Living in the present is a very difficult layout of plans. It sounds like a great idea until your present becomes too heavy with mental blocks or sickness. You can't catch a cold or flu from the past. Each time we find ourselves reaching out something slaps the tips of our fingerprints. So why invest in the present? Because you get to control it. Your choices today have the strength to shape tomorrow. How you act and react now has nothing to do with your past. Stop listening to the songs on the radio that bring back great memories. Listen to those songs for today's moments. My go to song will forever be Love Hurts from Nazareth. Not because I can still hear Casey Kasum talking about it on American Top 40. It puts me in the now. It instantly erases the stress and sickness and allows me to forge forward and outward. The majority of our favorite songs are reaching 40 to 50 years old. Many of the artists that wrote and performed on them are astonished at how they've lived this long. Is it because of our past? I'm not with that thought. It's because when you're not thinking about your past that song has become a favorite in your present.
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