Tuesday, December 11, 2018
Dr Ian Smith
Listen to "Dr Ian Smith The Clean 20 Book And Soon To Be Facebook Club" on Spreaker.
Dr. Ian K. Smith lays out the basic concepts behind clean eating-reducing the amount of processed foods, added sugars, and unnecessary additives in the foods we eat, in order to give our bodies and minds the best fuel possible. "Clean eating is all about knowing what you're putting in your body," says Dr. Ian, "and the impact foods and beverages can `have on not just your health, but your mind and overall functioning."
THE CLEAN 20 begins with a list of The Clean 20 Foods that are packed with phytonutrients, vitamins and minerals. These are powerful health-boosters--ranging from avocado to whole wheat pasta and everything in between-that readers can easily find, prepare, and incorporate into their diets over this 20 day program. Guidelines for adding additional clean foods are included, as well as lists of herbs and spices, so that anyone can add as much variety as they like. Flexibility is key--"if it's natural and not processed with artificial ingredients," Dr. Ian says, "feel free to go ahead and eat it."
The book includes a complete 20-day clean eating program with a flexible meal plan and important motivation for each day, as well as 60 recipes and substitutions, and a variety of 20-minute, easy-to-work-in workouts.
Dr. Ian knows what works: it's not eliminating food groups, but choosing foods within each group wisely to satisfy the palate and the body's nutritional demands. THE CLEAN 20 isn't just vegetables. Grains are in. And so is fruit, fat, meat and fish. When palate and nutrition are in sync, weight loss not only follows, it sticks. THE CLEAN 20 is a life and body changer.
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