Wednesday, September 19, 2018
The Continuation Of Flow
Listen to "The Continuation Of Flow" on Spreaker.
I've always been attracted to things locked on moving forward. As a child I'd spend hours in the garden watching the water from the hose push direct down little ditches I created to study it's behavior with all that surrounded it. Life is no different. The problem isn't the cost of the flow in our chapters not yet written but rather the dams we build to keep us from moving forward and outward. On today's podcast I talk openly about how many people I talk with that are extremely disappointed with how their careers have played out. There are a lot of middle aged people still trying to grip the reins of a dream come true. The idea of becoming part of a career has ended up being a series of party time positions. What's keeping you from flow? Fear? Doubt? The lack of acceptance? We've become the generation that dumps friends so often that it's no longer important to build a relationship. That includes you understanding you. We're addicted to feeding our outside needs and not putting love trust and support into the mind body and soul that's been with us since birth. Putting flow in your life is a task. It's a journey. A willing heart and way can't be stopped by a past that won't change. I get it! Those were the good ole days! To which I say "When you go back remember you can't take technology with you." Living in your past without the comforts of today's modern world won't gift your walk with happier times. Invest in today. Let your moments of now be the walk in forward motion
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