Friday, August 31, 2018
Counting Down The Days To Harvest
Listen to "Counting Down The Days To The Harvest" on Spreaker.
Transitioning from a closet Christian to a public relationship with a loving God isn't as easy as many leaders of the spiritual journey make it. I know in my heart why so many looked at me with eyes from afar because just like broadcasting everybody thinks they can do it. Oh God! I got this! A couple of months under your belt as a believer and you're ready to serve. To you personally it's a brilliant new beginning. It's a day of celebration. Then one skipped Sunday leads to a second which then creates the story called: It just got in my way. I hear it all the time on the streets of make me a radio person today! I can only speak on behalf of my forty years in radio when I say there are 98% more people that walk away from that spur of the moment dream then those who physically attain a position inside a control room sharing well shaped thoughts for passerby listeners. Religion and radio are hard work. It's almost like they're twin brothers from different mothers. What you share on either stage has the unique ability to lead people. I still have air checks of my 14 year old self spinning music during the disco days. I was committed to the industry like it was a religion. Today's podcast jumps into the center of the ring. How do you push your passion beyond the day of doubt. I write everyday. I don't expect anyone to pull off that discipline. In being open with my atmosphere I'm introduced to one thought. I am not who I was yesterday. I am a new beginning everyday. In living this mindfully I realize that instead of expecting a harvest, we learn to countdown the days to the harvest. Did I know as that lame butt teenager in Billings, Montana that I'd be still doing his dream 40 years later? No. I do know that he never put a time limit on his dream. He knew how to accept the bumps in the road and turn them into lessons his heart would learn to trust. I am not who I was yesterday. I am a new beginning everyday. It opens your heart, your mind, your path. Your day of victory is every morning when your eyes open. Be blessed that you got to wake up.
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