Wednesday, June 20, 2018
Believe In Change
Listen to "Believe In Change" on Spreaker.
Andrew Ashwood shared with me a very important part of radio success, "Believe in change. When you come through that door everyday know that everything you planned for will probably not materialize. Change consumes all things and you have to welcome it without a fight." I remember standing in his office fearing his next set of sentences. The word change is a hairy ugly beast that has every reason to devour each inch of your dreams, ambitions and security in life. I grew into a pair of shoes that began a process of accepting change. It wasn't an easy walk. It got even tougher when I went public with my love for God. I had heard of the changes that would arrive. I tried to prepare myself for the twists, spins and stumbles. Even that didn't stop change from consuming the brighter bigger path of possibility. There's huge changes within the presence of spiritual travel and study. You're endlessly challenged to grow. Not because you can't forgive but rather to properly live. Your entire outlook is given a new field to plant seeds becoming vines. Bosses that leap all over you with higher than normal expectations. The old you would've fought back or hit Indeed or Zip Recruiter for a new job. The newer believer in change locates peace by becoming part of the change. My most recent cracks in the pavement have me front and center with an adopted four year old Pointer that has huge separation anxiety issues. The old me would've returned the monster. The changed me has allowed this moment to be a lesson. To learn more about how dogs have a lot of the same problems as humans and I am willing to grow through it by grasping the mental conditions that trigger bad behavior. What are your triggers? What should you be accepting as change that will lead you toward becoming more at peace? Sometimes you think about those moments in high school when you thought it was too difficult to make it another day with that teacher. Change invited you to places of new growth. It's not supposed to be easy or everybody on this planet would love, act and laugh just like you. Enjoy your glory.
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