Friday, May 25, 2018
Future Speak
Listen to "Future Speak" on Spreaker.
It's not how and why I write. It's knowing that I do write. It didn't happen over night. Being a writer is like exercising. You have to bring yourself to the machine everyday or you won't gain access to results. I bet the daily journey was four years deep before I realized what I was writing. I was taking notes. Notes about how to best utilize what's been written. To take a thought beyond the moment it first arrives. Too often we think what's been laid on paper or sent through social media is for the area we presently stand. That's not always the case. Look at how published authors are able to blend in with the world years after their books were purchased. Old newspaper stories still have an imprint on the world we live in. Writing to appease the situation at hand is a great way to word dump but the bigger picture unveils how your future self and others will learn from what's been shared. In May of 2016 I penned out four pages based on two words: shallow shores. I knew at the time that it was way over my head but as that writer I let the energy press forward. To let it speak whatever words that were going to be dropped out only to be picked up two years later. Through your personal notes there's always going to be a future self waiting to collect your experience. Although you may not understand who what where and why in your present, the guy or girl up the road is going to take your writing to a place of learning so they he or she can have the required energy to move through their present places and spaces. This morning I did some huge research on the internal clock based on how it snuggles up to intuition and prediction. What does that inner self see that we don't on the outside? It's never a boring subject. Especially when you go over your notes taken two to ten years before. You realize that internal clock was communicating to the steps your taking in this very moment. Be wise. Study your who what where and whys?
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