Thursday, March 22, 2018
What Is Wisdom
Listen to "What Is Wisdom" on Spreaker.
Because I'm a daily writer it's a blessed morning to page through where the footprints once led. It's not to sift through the multiple layers of a creative mind but rather to be present with the student I proclaim to be each new sunrise. I came across a short paragraph that was written on April 29, 2016. That was almost two years ago! Yet what we write truly doesn't come with a use this by such and such date. The writer questioned his moment. He wanted to know what wisdom is. What does it look like? Is it a vision and or experience? How do you move a mountain without spoiling the soil? I still don't believe God has put me in the right pair of shoes to touch any of those questions. But it won't stop me from asking even more. We are a generation of assuming text messengers that find knowledge to be worthless until we ask Google to lend a helping hand. Before every lecture I'm blessed to share I calmly explain to every student present, "We must begin each day with three questions." We don't ask questions any more unless the answer benefits our situation. We have become a nation of tellers. We tell people what to do but not how to do it. When you ask questions it slows down the process of success. More bosses and coworkers have rolled their eyes in front of me because I just want to know. Recently I was told by a co-creator that he was questioned about what I do as a creative mind, "Anyone can do what Arroe does right?" I love moments like this! It opens the door for there to be a moment of wisdom growing forward.
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