Tuesday, November 14, 2017
Jeanette J Johnson
Listen to "Jenette j Johnson Everyday Fashion And Faith" on Spreaker.
Her post opened up a pertinent discussion that deeply reverberated with readers looking to find similar balance. Through personal experiences, current events, and pop-culture references, J’S EVERYDAY FASHION AND FAITH: Personal Style with Purpose (Waterfall Press; 10/3/17) makes the connection between deep-seeded spirituality, strong values, and the daily decisions we make about our personal style.
From her upbringing in rural middle America, to her first job out of college in a big city, and finally to Florida where her blog was born, J’s journey to finding a balance between her love for fashion and her faith was not an easy one. After experiencing many setbacks in her personal and professional life by not being appropriately dressed in the interest of being frugal, J was faced with the harsh reality that her style choices conflicted with her inherent values. In her memoir, J embraces this understanding while providing a unique perspective with refreshing outlooks on guilt, creativity, self-esteem, and global responsibility that everyone has encountered.
Balance: As women we often put the needs of others ahead of our own. The varying duties of being a woman can feel overwhelming. But treating yourself to something you have pined over or setting aside time for yourself are important forms of self-care.
Creativity: Our passions – whether that means for you clothes, beauty, food, art, or anything else – is an important part of our souls and are something to be celebrated. Don’t be afraid to embrace who you are.
Self-esteem: When your clothes don’t fit, it’s easy to believe that your body is the issue and not the clothes. But hidden behind those clothes are issues surrounding inner beauty that is far more powerful and important.
Global Responsibility: While we cannot change the world in a day, we at least have a responsibility to start questioning where our clothes come from, what conditions those people are working under, and to know how much waste clothes produce.
Many women are faced with these universal concerns and J’s objective is to open the discussion for women from all walks of life and faiths. Part memoir, part call-to-action, J'S EVERYDAY FASHION AND FAITH explores topics that we as women often don't talk about openly. It shows that caring about our appearance doesn't have to be a sign of vanity, that we can interweave our values, morals, and faith with our own sense of style and creativity, and that we have a social responsibility as consumers.
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