Thursday, September 14, 2017
Painting The Room
Listen to "Painting A Room" on Spreaker.
I've always been accused of speaking my own language. Every program director I had in radio had to pull me back to the normal persons street because what I'd say on the air wasn't over people's heads it was just weird. I don't apologize. I'm a writer and find great joy in setting what I feel free and if you happened to catch me sharing it through conversation and it didn't sit to well with your present place... I'm ok with that. We weren't born to entertain anybody but the mind body and soul we were born with. Kind of harsh right? Hey how do you think I feel writing this. Now think about all the times you have been force to fake your way into a job, keep a job and or pull off a false smile, laugh or accepting of others near you. When you can't be you there's a problem with the system. You aren't just like someone else unless you let that person push you into that corner. Inspiration and motivation are great tools but it doesn't give you permission to look like the preacher. Be you and take great notes while you're being you. There is a beautiful story that you've written but when you fake it through the day its not fair to who you truly are.
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