Wednesday, August 30, 2017
Listen to "Writing Page" on Spreaker.
I wish life was like daily writing. What you put down on page one normally has nothing to do with what will spill out on pages two thru whatever. We switch personalities quicker then the weather changes in the south. Part of the reason why is because of the circle invasion. We all take up space. Some want more then they should get. Our circles of energy are not up for the taking yet we allow the intruder to grab hold of what little you have left. We're guilty in this process. How often are you nice to someone because its better to lift them then tell the truth? Only to realize you've now become their free can of pick me up. Know where you spread your source of flow and how you deliver it to others. When someone steps into your circle make sure they don't take over. Sure you're going to look like a jerk. And what do they look like to you when they've trashed your energy supply? God only gives you so much power everyday. How much of it is wasted on the passerby? Regain the supply by being upfront and honest with your circle.
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