Friday, February 17, 2017
Creative Accent
Listen to "Creative Accent" on Spreaker.
On the 100th anniversary of Mark Twain's passing an extremely special autobiography was released. It showcased a more genuine creative mind. Painting the picture of how he became who he was and why so many things made him angry and or more available to bend the rules of everyday life and write more. He loved recording his ideas on a device that his employee would listen then try to present it in the current story he was setting free. One of the subjects he covered was how many editors didn't like his style of writing. He called it his creative accent. He fought very hard to protect it. Here in 2017 many of us ignore it. Not just as writers but chefs, business people, planners, musicians, teachers. Every chosen career! We allow bosses, coworkers, friends and family to silence the accent we put in the things we were designed to bring forward. Then we sit back and wonder why we're bored, have no steam to do things, procrastinate or find reasons to not support city or school needs. What if you're creative accent is asking for you to celebrate its existence? You don't need other people to accept it. Only you matter. The moment someone offers an opinion. Shut them off. It will put a bump in the road but who cares! Set your creative accent free and do things your way. I love one thing about Walmart. Not all of their locations are designed the same way. I love the challenge to locate bird seed. That's their creative accent and they aren't going to change.
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