Friday, May 28, 2021
Unplugged and Totally Uncut May 28th
Today Friday May 28th on Unplugged and Totally Uncut.
Her goal is to invite kids and young adults to drop their digital devices and take up nature. Outdoor School from Mary Kay Carson is the perfect at home summer camp. 11am post
A huge major first this weekend. Hollywood has released two blockbusters to theaters for the first time in a year. Ryan Jay Reviews Cruella and A Quiet Place 2. 1pm post
Ever had a fear of traveling inside a tunnel? Thorbjorn Harr's new On Demand movie The Tunnel will keep you away from traveling through mountains and water. Always an action packed conversation with him. 4pm post
Then we are Playing It Forward with the winner of season 20 on NBC's The Voice. Cam Anthony!!!!! 7pm post
Giggling With The Little Things
Listen to "Giggling With The Little Things" on Spreaker.
May 28, 2021
The little things! Those itty bitty moments that we tend to ignore until something stops your ever present need to keep growing forward. The little things. Today is 5-28. I put my first words on paper this morning at 5:28. The little kid in my thought that was cool as s***! Twenty seven years of daily writing and something so tiny stopped my creative spirit and energy and said whisper, “Well look at that.” Being in the “right” place at the “write time. Ha! You know what we all need? A little more time to recognize the rays of light that lend an avenue of peace over unrest. We’re an overcrowded generation. We want it all. Compared to other levels of travel, it might actually look like we do have it all. If not, I’m headed to The only thing unavailable to every one of us is time. Truth is, we wouldn’t know what to do with more time. Too much of the time we have today is wasted. A year ago at this time we had all the time in the world. Lockdown 2020. I yearn for those days. I loved every second of every moment my wife and I created with our disaster artist dog Jazzie. We respected that moment in time. We planned things out better and wiser. We allowed that open field of time to have its rightful space in what time would eventually erase. The little things. How did we ever forget to take the time to recognize them? Sure, I guess we can try and go back to show some homage. But in reality that’s nothing more than rewriting your history. Being mindful of your little things right now creates childlike giggles you’re never going to get back. Wow that seems a little dark. Not if you live for the next little thing. It’s right there in front of you. Play with it.
Thursday, May 27, 2021
Unplugged and Totally Uncut May 27th
Today Thursday May 27th on Unplugged and Totally Uncut!!!
Have you ever heard of Story Terrace? Rutger Bruining and his massive amount of brilliant writers help you put your history inside a hardcover book. An autobiography featuring you and your family. 11am post
Something's going on in southern Cal. Sunset Strip is bringing in a new age of great Rock. One of the front runners is JT Loux. 1pm post
Here comes season number two of Common Knowledge on GSN. Joey Fatone is a very funny and revealing personality. Yeah the guy from NYSYNC. 4pm post
Then we're Playing It Forward with MTV's senior manager of Social Impact. Getting very real with Vaughan Bagley. 7pm post
Living Off A What If
Listen to "Living Off A What If" on Spreaker.
May 27, 2021
I belong to the Artist Way Facebook group. The Artist Way has been my walk and way since July of 1994. In my heart, it’s the only book series that reaches into the mind body and soul of a creative person and allows them to trust in the evolution of becoming. Today someone posted a very open and honest thought, “Over the years I’ve worked through The Artist Way three times. The only thing I found itchy was the God, power and universe bit. Because I’m Agnost, would I profit from the Listening Path on my creative painting journey? Appreciate the feedback.” I love her self honesty. She’s allowing her inner being to ask an outside question. I wrote back, “In all things there is energy. Belief is a choice. Writing is action.” You don’t have to believe in anything to be creative. It’s energy. It’s a choice to use it or abuse it. Whether she’s painting and or I’m writing. There’s action involved. We spend way too much time hemming and hawing about the “What Ifs” in the world. The energy used in a “What If” generates action causing a reaction. What if the Mars rover Perseverance discovers the shapes and shells of ancient life? How will that affect our religious beliefs back here on earth? What if President Biden’s 90 day command to locate the source of Covid 19 proves that it was created in a Chinese lab? What will that do to world peace? What if these news stories about UFO’s and our military truly do point to a reality? They’re there! But what are they? Space aliens? Other countries spying on us? Are we doing the same thing to them? I had to do some internet research. How do conspiracy theories get started? A connection to the masses. Social media with all its multi layers of reach from blogging, to YouTube videos, emails, podcasting and beyond, a conspiracy gets its first rush when the receiver starts to believe. What are we doing to ourselves? Have you ever posted something that’s reached around the world then come back to you by way of someone claiming they started the belief? What’s this have to do with The Artist Way Facebook group? Because it took less than two minutes for people to respond. People I don’t know. People from other countries. And all I ever wanted to do was say, “Don’t give yourself permission to stop creating action if what you believe or don’t believe in is standing in the way. Create to create. How it got there doesn’t require anything but you. If you feel you have to believe in something. Believe in you.”
Wednesday, May 26, 2021
Unplugged and Totally Uncut May 26th
Today May 26th on Unplugged and Totally Uncut!!!
World Heavy Weight Champion Drew McIntyre gets real about the ring as well as the fan. His book says it best Chosen Destiny. 11am post
No matter who won NBC's The Voice Kenzie Wheeler is going to do quite fine in the moments that lay ahead. Who is this kid and that voice! 1pm post
Do you believe in Crop Circles? Are they messages from space aliens? What if it's energy is coming from beneath the surface of the earth. Crop Circle Realities. We're talking with Darcy Weir and Gary King. 4pm post
Then we're Playing It Forward with Michael Brewer from Brewer and Shipley. Was the song One Toke Over The Line truly taken off the radio because of subject matter? What happened in the moments before the song was written? Were they toking? 7pm post
The Lyrics From Billy's Forest Chapter 247
Listen to "The Lyrics From Billys Forest Chapter 247" on Spreaker.
May 26, 2021
The most important part about daily writing is knowing in your heart that the experience always carries forward energy. How can a frozen day on February 20, 2021 be a source of inspiration when everything around us looks as if it’s been shaken but never stirred? I’m extremely guilty of a lifestyle change that I would’ve never predicted. During the opening moments of the Covud pandemic and all things political I took up a different kind of podcast listening. I dug in deeply. I’d crank up Chris Cuomo only to follow it with Limbaugh or Dan Bongino. I always had to have both sides! The more I listened the weaker I became. I had somehow turned their word into what would shape my path making ability. I totally recognized this evil habit on that February morning 2021. My early morning walk before the sun rises came with no smartphone or digital device. It was me and nature. What? No Anderson Cooper? No Trevor Noah? Not even the rants and raves of Marc Maron and Howard Stern? Just me and the bird songs. No screaming black crows or screeching Red Tail Hawks. The gentle jazz the birds bring to a waking Carolina morning. As a child I’d spend hours listening to the Western Meadowlark in Montana. How about that Red Wing Black Bird? Here in Carolina we have the Cardinal, wild Finches, Sterling, the occasional Morning Dove and the ever present owl. For some odd reason on that February morning I elected to exchange Brian Williams and Bill O’Reilly for something as simple a bird song. The retraining of the human heart and mind. To rethink the negative effects of that other people’s opinions have on the day gifted to you but given to them. Music. Bird songs. Not Foreigner, Journey, Justin Bieber, Jagger or Miley and Taylor. Bird songs. The most important part about daily writing is knowing in your heart that the experience always carries forward energy. Today’s date is May 26, 2021. Three months have quickly passed since that entry in journal. Reading about that morning walk in February not only serves as a reminder to keep free of the opinion makers but to spend more time listening to the rhythm and pace of those blessed with feathers. Jazz…
Tuesday, May 25, 2021
Unplugged and Totally Uncut May 25th
Today Tuesday May 25th on Unplugged and Totally Uncut!!!
Daria Peoples Riley has made a huge impact with her new book America My Love America My Heart. This is one of those books for young adult readers that'll be carried with the many years down the road. 11am post
Today is Pod Crashing day! Always introducing you to quality driven podcasts. Amy Over is featured in Confronting: Columbine. Being there at Columbine and how life and all the events after continue to create amazing and moving conversation. 1pm post
Who is Rachel Mac and how has taken over NBC's The Voice? 4pm post
Then we're Playing It Forward with Darren G Davis from Tidal Wave Productions. They're creating a lot of talk with their latest comic book production about Dolly Parton. 7pm post
Stream Thinking To Wear Or Not Wear A Mask
Listen to "Stream Thinking To Wear Or Not To Wear" on Spreaker.
May 25, 2021
To wear a mask or not to wear a mask. I honestly thought it would’ve been easier to make the choice. Last Monday I felt peer pressured into not wearing one. Everyone at my lecture elected to not wear the mask. There I was up front sporting mine! Until I realized how uncomfortable their freedom felt. This past Friday I was the featured attraction at a musical event attended by 297 people. None of us wore the mask. I’m fully vaccinated. I say that not to brag but to relieve myself from the building anxiety. I also don’t want to be a carrier. Over the next three days I was face to face with three times that amount of people fearing if I took off my mask I’d be the infector. Sure, the government has cleared the way for no mask wearing. I see the daily numbers! Those struck by the virus. They had to get it from somewhere. I put myself through a daily test. Before anything happens I taste test, check my smelling and hit the path with a brisk walk to check in with my breathing. During those moments that I chose not to wear a mask it truly felt like I wasn’t wearing underwear. Which you’ll never catch me doing. Chafing is painful. So is the thought of bringing the Covid bug to an innocent bystander. A woman said to me, “I wear a mask in public not because of me but my two children aren’t old enough to get vaccinated.” Then there’s LeBron James. The modern day Marvel hero. The false God to sports fanatics. He was recently asked if he’s been vaccinated. It’s his choice to say yes or no. But to admit nothing just invited millions of his followers to keep clear of what could save their life or someone associated to it. It all reminds me of the opening scene of the movie Saving Private Ryan. Thousands of young men are storming the beach. Hundreds of them are instantly gunned down. I went there because of a news story that claims the world hasn’t seen this much change since WWII. The power of choice. What you decide today will affect and infect others. How much care do you put into the decision?
Thursday, May 20, 2021
Unplugged and Totally Uncut May 20th
Today May 2th on Unplugged and Totally Uncut!!!
We've spent the past five years yucking it up with Dad jokes. Now Lisa Beth Johnson and Phoebe Bottoms have released Mom Jokes. 11am post
He's in the top five of season 20 on NBC's The Voice. Jordan Matthew Young. 1pm post
There's no challenge like an MTV Challenge and Mark Long knows how to bring out the best and worst of every hardcore contestant. 4pm post
Then we're Playing It Forward with Simone Davies whose new book Montessori Baby creates a new path and way to raise the kids. 7pm post
The Lyrics From Billy's Forest Chapter 246
Listen to "The Lyrics From Billys Forest Chapter 246" on Spreaker.
May 20, 2021
Hardcore question. You probably won’t answer it. I get it. Too many things already on your mind. What is your inner happiness? Not enter happiness. Inner happiness. Look at the world around us and know what keeps you from being overtaken by looming clouds, a sky of gray, extremely cold rain. Crows freely playing in the background. Did I lose you? Not if you’re truly being honest with yourself. Finally someone that knows the junk in your trunk! We hold onto a portrait of what we want life to look like. How it’s supposed to feel, smell and inspire and or influence. A portrait. Yet here we stand in the center of society’s constant mental attack on all things that are supposed to be ambitious. We are amped up by the headlines. When there gets to be too much guess what! We’re overtaken by looming clouds, a sky of gray, extremely cold rain. Crows freely playing in the background. I study the forest that which I live within. It’s a storyteller. I look like it and it looks like me. I’ve put a lot of faith in its amazing ability to speak out when I’ve chosen to go silent. It’s very selfish to always want bright shades of green and white colored wild roses. I look at this forest and it looks at me. Oh oh. Talk about setting yourself up for a serious guilt trip. Overtaken by looming clouds, a sky of gray, extremely cold rain. Crows freely playing in the background. Then we’re invited to walk out into the public eye. For a year we got to hide. No matter how much we complained about being locked up and trapped behind a mask. My God! We got to hide! As things loosen up, the newly planted you gets the blessed opportunity to step free of being overtaken by looming clouds, a sky of gray, extremely cold rain. Crows freely playing in the background. Where is your source of inner happiness? Please don’t walk out there faking it. We’ve had enough time to and way too much space to identify with the false motivators. That itty bitty teeny bit of inner happiness that’s expected to push your Covid 19 weight forward has been overtaken by looming clouds, a sky of gray, extremely cold rain. Crows freely playing in the background. Time to find a ray of light. Only you know where it is. Look at yourself in the bathroom mirror and say your name. Look at your name tag at work and read your name. You are the inner source of your happiness. You have the ability and strength to stop being overtaken by looming clouds, a sky of gray, extremely cold rain. Crows freely playing in the background. Say your name. Identify with who you are. Your parents knew how to get your attention and I bet 100% of the time it was because the first thing out of their mouth was your name. Say your name.
Tuesday, May 18, 2021
Unplugged and Totally Uncut May 18th
Today May 18th on Unplugged and Totally Uncut!!!
If Steve Miller keeps on rockin you then Breaking Ground is your hook up. Steve had somehow buried this live performance in the vault and totally forgot about it. He's got the entire story. 11am post
It's Tuesday which means its time to introduce you to another binge listening podcast on Pod Crashing. Season 3 of 27 Club with Jake Brennan. This season its all about Janis Joplin. 1pm post
In the 1980's she totally dominated radio and television. Tiffany!!! 4pm post
Then we're playing it forward with Pinky from The D.O.O.D. Theatrical Heavy Metal has a new face and image. Did I mention and a new song? 7pm post
Stream Thinking: I Don't Know Wht To Say
Listen to "Stream Thinking I Don't Know What To Say" on Spreaker.
May 18, 2021
A lot of things used to get under my father’s skin. So much so that I was truly bothered as a kid. I always assumed he was pissed off at the world. Rightfully so. He was a sergeant in the Army during WWII. He never spoke of the experience. It was wrapped up so tight inside of him. Is that why he always let the smallest things irritate him? I’m not him but I’m at an age he once lived and just like my father there are a lot of things that find their way under my skin. One of them being someone who literally finds a place, a platform of potential change and they elect to project, “I don’t know what to say.” You don’t know what to say? You are studying to be Broadcaster! You want to be that person! You feel this need to be a source of energy for others. “I don’t know to what to say.” Fear plays one hell of a game on our heart. I understand the pressures behind stepping out to be seen, heard and experienced. For the love of God do you think it’s easy to write a Blog like this? The real subject of today is what we should all be saying, “Masks are a pain in the ***!” But this was the week they came off. But only if you’re vaccinated. Which basically means that this is the week masks came off. What I want to say… This is the WEAK. Am I the only one hearing about India? Oh wait. The war in the Middle East is clogging up the front page. India is still experiencing the worst of conditions. A nation that bragged about being thee place to visit because they were cured from Covid 19. I must admit. Being with no mask yesterday at a lecture shared with future Broadcasters that it felt pretty darn good not having to fight for air when my emotional message required my style of energy. It was a culture shock! What kind of habits have I developed with a diaper on my face? How about hiding boogers! I was horrified that people might catch a snot channel oozing from my nose because of allergies. The view was no longer into my eyes but they saw the rest of me. I had something to say. While the future Broadcaster kept interrupting the moment at hand with a constant grumbling that only they could control, “I don’t know what to say!” Then don’t… In a world situation such as the one we’ve been delivered if the choice is to complain about not knowing what to say. Then don’t. Excuse not accepted.
Friday, May 14, 2021
But Dad!
Listen to "But Dad!" on Spreaker.
May 14, 2021
I don’t know if I should travel to South Carolina to buy fireworks or step back six more feet. A huge milestone was conquered yesterday afternoon. After sixty plus weeks of wearing a diaper over our faceS the CDC reached that point in Covid 19 recovery where it’s OK to walk into a building without wearing that strip of cloth. But! But! You have to be fully vaccinated. I burst out in huge laughter. Because I know how many people I work with on the frontline who refuse to get the shot. They’re on the frontline and still feel like it’s a conspiracy. To pour even more fuel onto this fire is how fast the North Carolina Governor jumped in and said it wouldn’t be happening in his state. It’s like being a teenager all over again. You’ve got your first car. The freedom is all yours. Driving wherever and whenever you want. Then your parents say, “Be home by nine or those keys belong to me.” My father was sick with his strict walk and way. He only allowed us five minutes to talk on the phone. As teens with budding hearts of love how can you get anything done inside five minutes? His command taught how to lie. To make up excuses. To create fake news. Five minutes? What his discipline did during my teen years trained me to be more giving and compassionate toward today’s young adults. His dictatorship at 4172 Ryan opened my heart to give people the opportunity to succeed until the moment they disrespect the gift. The agreement. The collaboration. Equal love. Equal respect. Until the agreement is broken. I get it! Humans have this drive to not want to follow any rules. Many of us don’t like confrontation either. When things aren’t moving the way you intend it generates a ton of negative. Oh baby! Feel that fire! Whew! You’ve got some good negative! Sadly a lot of that negative is turning into bad decisions which leads to improper behavior. The CDC, President Joe Biden and science have cleared the way for the masks to taken off while in a building. The Governor of North Carolina doesn’t agree. Can I get his phone number? I just wanna call him up when the maskless masses grow in large numbers. Call him up to let him know that being a political father during the pandemic means we ain’t coming home at 9pm. He can try and take the car keys but the people know he may have words but he isn’t gonna be heard. I get it! How do you prove you are fully vaccinated? I get it! Only 37% have been fully vaccinated! At any given moment we could be the global hot spot. I get it. My Dad told my teenage self, “I can’t stop you from getting an STD. If you get it. It wasn’t because I didn’t tell you how to protect yourself. Make your own choices and please God in Heaven please locate the right decision.”
Tuesday, May 11, 2021
Unplugged and Totally Uncut May 11th
Today Tuesday May 11th on Unplugged and Totally Uncut!!!
During it's theater debut the movie Midnight Cowboy was stepping in areas of new discoveries. Dustin Hoffman was fresh off the Graduate and Jon Voight was about to become a huge hit. But what was life like on the set of this landmark movie? You'll experience it in Glenn Frankels new book Shooting Midnight Cowboy. 11an post
It's Tuesday which means it's time to Pod Crash. To introduce you a new show. This once comes from actress Minnie Driver. It's called Minnie Questions. 1pm post
NBC's The Voice is rockin some good times during season 20. Gihanna Zoe checks in with amazing vocals. 4pm post
Then we're Playing It Forward with Alicia Dennis from Discoveries hit series People Magazine Investigates. 7pm post
Stream Thinking: First World Covid Problems
Listen to "Stream Thinking First World Covid Problems" on Spreaker.
May 11, 2021
The daily writing exercise is called Stream Thinking. Being present in all things right now. No judgement, no perfectionisms, raw writing by way of documenting all things right now. I was recently introduced to a new term: First World Covid Problems. A great example is how we feel that being back to normal is about removing the walls designed to protect clients and guests from the potential of there being a Covid crisis. Oh I’ve got CFWP! My local CVS pharmacy. Why do they feel it’s in our best interest that they steer clear of opening until 10am? I don’t go into the store. I get my meds from the pickup window. I have a first world Covid problem because of how my essential job has marched forward with back to normal hours 6am til 11pm. I don’t get it. We’re still being forced to walk in a pair of shoes that don’t fit. First World Covid Problems. You know what I’ve seen increase. The sale of lottery tickets. Never once has someone been upset about not winning. I get the usual shrugging of the shoulders with “Oh well. I guess not today.” I gambled this morning on CVS being open by 9. But I didn’t get upset. Nope. I’ve learned a lot from my lottery ticket friends. Especially those whose homes are on the street. Raise your hand if you think the money they collect on street is going into alcohol and drugs. Lottery tickets! A 50 cent investment has earned many $20 to $50. The scratch offs are paying out hundreds of dollars. While I’m complaining about CVS opening at 10, my friends from the street are cashing in. And when it doesn’t happen. It rolls right off their shoulders.
Friday, May 7, 2021
Unplugged and Totally Uncut May 7th
Today! Friday May 7th on Uplugged and Totally Uncut!!!
Lala Kent has left her mark on realty television viewing by way of Vanderpump Rules. Her first book isn't an autobiography but rather an extension to her very open walk through life. 11am post
Devan Blake Jones has always loved singing and committed to pursuing music after graduating high school. He got hired to sing in an Afrobeat band and took on the task of teaching himself to sing in Swahili. For the next 17 years, Devan continued his passion for music by performing in a wedding band and at various community events. It opened the door for him to be on NBC's The Voice. 1pm post
Four new movies make their way into our lives this weekend. Two in theaters and others on demand. But are they worth your time and presence. We're checking in with Ryan Jay as he reviews Wrath of Man, Here Today, Queen Marie Of Romania and Monster. Plus Ryan is on the road next week to host the 2021 Wizard Of Oz event in Indiana. 4pm post
Then we're Playing It Forward with Dianne Grossman who's taken an out of control nightmare and turned it into a film that will change people's lives. Mallory's Army. 7pm post
Been Here Before
Listen to "Been Here Before" on Spreaker.
May 7, 2021
Wow. The sixth anniversary of my father’s passing. Which happens to be my brothers sixtieth birthday. Here’s how I think. I can’t help it. I just am the way that I am. My brothers tormented life as a teen and beyond. Have we lived this life before? Did he know inside his unwritten chapters that his birthday would no longer carry the celebration on the day that would become my father’s final day? They never got along. He kept running away from home. Which had a huge impact on me. To this very moment I have serious issues with commitment. Family love is supposed to be thicker than water. That’s what Andy Gibb sang in the 1970’s! Love is thicker than water. Oh my. I have out of control departure issues. Only to be placed in an area of history where it’s completely 100% OK to ghost a friend or family member on social media. You don’t like what they say or feel something isn’t right and boom pow biff bang you’re out of the Like Zone. What in our life is physically the effect of someone else’s cause? Cause and effect. The happily married word couple that’s strong enough to dent and ding any story on the planet. Cause and effect. With cancel culture that gifts the system of belief the right to dump the trunk. Don’t do that. Stop it. No matter how much you deny reality there’s always gonna be someone whose gonna call you out. My first wife lived that life. If it’s not happening now. It never did. I struggled with that. Only to learn my career in broadcasting was no different. Decision makers completely addicted to getting a different point of view and direction without wearing the patch that hollered out, “Yeah we did that! But we grew from it!” Six years after my father’s passing I feel his presence more than I did while he was here. He became Yoda. I’ve been trained to feel the force. To look into the source of energy and find only the fuel and not the dinosaur remains that created the sludge. Love is thicker than water. Ghosting is extremely damaging. Running away from home at any age is worse. What then is the message in this mess? The identity of self. If you don’t see yourself by way of cause and effect then how do you see others? Boom, pow, biff and bang. Happy birthday to my brother and Dad I don’t miss you. You’re right here with me every day. Grateful for your presence.
Thursday, May 6, 2021
Unplugged and Totally Uncut May 6th
Today May 6, 2021 on Unplugged and Totally Uncut!!!
David Baldacci is back! His new book deals with a vet that's working his way back to American streets in the 1950's. A Gambling Man. Darkness, action, emotion and everything else that Baldacci is brilliant at. 11am post
I asked Christo Kidwell what the name of his band is all about, "Why Texas Taliban?" His reply, "Cuz it pisses people off." Awesome!!! 1pm post
The television show Delilah is filmed right here in Charlotte. LaMonica Garrett and I break out our local experiences while jumping into the stuff that outsiders can relate with. 4pm post
Then we're playing it forward with Dr. Stephanie ZaZa. Her book is Beyond The Pandemic. 7pm post
The Lyrics From Billy's Forest Chapter 245
Listen to "The Lyrics From Billys Forest Chapter 245" on Spreaker.
May 6, 2021
It’s extremely difficult to not see the image of a mid-winters forest. Words written on February 7, 2021. The forest floor damp to wet. The trees stuck feet first in giant jars of Carolina clay. As cleared as the limbs appear, spotting the red tail hawk and very patient owl is nearly impossible. For that matter even the deer blend in perfectly. Until they move, my eyesight misses the entire photograph. As humans, we too have evolved into better hiders. To not be witnessed. Fading into a background away from judgement and ridicule. Or so it seems. Until you’re spotted creating a post on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. Unlike the rest of nature, we want to belong to the attention. Own it. We aren’t wolves buried in the brush watching all things moving by. I know a few friends that act like they live under a rock. Is that the same? Where would the world be if the trees in a forest were given thumbs? Would they too take a ton of selfies? Would we find their emotions stuck to social media? The only reason why I bring any of this up is because the entire picture doesn’t resemble the sights we see. Quickly we are trying to regain normal living but the world of business is still caught in their mid-winters forest. No matter how many Help Wanted signs are posted. No matter how many emails you receive from Indeed, Monster, LinkedIn and ZipRecruiter the captured moment remains. The human race is hiding like the red tail hawk, patient owl and well blended in deer. Those working the frontline and or returning to a workplace that’s no longer remote are finding the walk to be difficult. Every day several coworkers check out or completely leave because being back is too much mentally. Who then suffers? We don’t need to paint into place the answer. You already know. We complain with the loudest voices how rough it is for children to get back into the groove of school. The push to get them back was one hell of a battle. Now that they’re returning. The adults aren’t getting back to their thing. A mid-winters forest. No leaves on the trees. The human is hiding. I often wonder about the bright red cardinal. Being so vibrant in color. Does it ever get tired of being recognized? Stop waiting for a miracle. Remove yourself from here. Your success story is over there. You’ve got to be seen and heard to achieve. Step out and collaborate in the name and image of success.
Tuesday, May 4, 2021
Unplugged and Totally Uncut May 4th
Today May 4, 2021 on Unplugged and Totally Uncut!!!
Why didn't we have books like this when we were kids? Crispin Boyer's Top Secret teaches children and parents how to be secret spies. Plus he gives you games and challenges!!! 11am post
It's Pod Crashing day. Time to discover a new podcast. Episode 102 puts focus on the late night emergency team in New Orleans. Holly Sherman calls it The Heroes Journey. 1pm post
Gean Garcia was born with music in his blood. His father is a Spanish musician and inspired Gean to learn the guitar at six years old. Gean started singing to accompany his guitar playing, and decided to showcase his skills for the first time at his seventh grade talent show. After impressing his friends, Gean knew he had to continue his love for music and began songwriting. Three years ago, he got the chance to tour with his dad around the U.S., Colombia, and Mexico, which only reinforced his love for performing. Now he's on NBC's The Voice. 4pm post
Then we're Playing It Forward with actor Michael Pare. His action packed deep dark adventure is now available on demand. Hollow Point. 7pm post
Stream Thinking: New Age Teacher
Listen to "Stream Thinking New Age Teachers" on Spreaker.
May 4, 2021
Nobody’s talking about teachers. Groups are making a lot of noise about the students. Get them back in class. But nobody’s talking about those who’ve had to change their methods of teaching by way of a computer screen. Many of whom who’ve been forced to do in school and remote teaching at the same time. How do we as a globe make up the past sixty weeks? Getting students out of a lockdown mode mentality and locked into the activation of why an education is more important today than 2019. The upper level decision makers are saying, “Summer school!” Nobody’s talking about the teachers. We must rebuild the American student. Teachers deservingly need time off to recuperate their reasons for wanting to be inside those four walls. The system is burning out the passion, dedication, drive and loyalty of those chosen to inspire and influence future business workers, leaders and community activators. Without an education, not just a nation but the entire planet suffers. Not having the knowledge to read, write and do math is a pandemic all its own. The educational system needs to change its view of who the teacher is. Experience needs to be the new teacher. Welders, grocery store managers, retail managers, plumbers, digital phone field operators, construction workers and street and highway crews. Redefine the teacher who was taught through a book and put people in there that can give students a skill. Nobody knows time management better than a driver for Amazon. Serving people at restaurants teaches people skills and team work. At 12 years old I fell deeper in love with math not because of school but because I kept score at the bowling alley. Put experience first in summer school. It’s time to teach students what being here is really all about and how they’re a huge part of its continuation.